Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Which is Best?

Luke asked me in a blog post to choose my favorite post. Unfortunately this posed a teeny problem for me. I could not choose! So here is a list of my top 10, plus a “few” runners up. Which one do you think should be my top post?

Top 10

Mom Can’t Use a Hammer
Phillip’s opinion as he watches me trying to put a nail in the wall

A Great Mother’s Day Gift
Pictures of the kids on Mother’s Day

Almost an Artist
Me learning to make Flag cards

I will NOT mop
A clash of wills between me and the floor

7 Things About Me
A few things about me that you might not know

Peter’s Ponderings
A 3 year old’s perspective

Turn on my Lights
Communication (or lack of) between 2 young boys

Independence Day 2008
4th of July Pictures

Do You Think I’m Pretty?
the honesty of children

Scary Bathrooms
a 2 year olds view of no touch bathrooms

Runners Up

Short Term Toy
11 Ways to Beat Time at His own Game
One More Birthday
Forget Perfection! Give Me Speed!
A Time to Scream
Pet Pine Cones
Sports and Computer Games

Results of Favorite Smells Group Writing Project

When I read some of your “Favorite Smells” lists, my mind was refreshed to some favorite smells I overlooked in my list.

Em reminded me that I like the smell of freshly shampooed hair. The funny thing is, I never smell my own hair. It is usually on of my kids when they sit next to me.

Luke reminded me that I love the smell of oranges. There is something about the smell of an orange that makes you just have to eat one! I can look at one all day with no temptation, but the smell….. There is no scent that matches it. I don’t care for dish detergents and other artificial citrus scents, though. It has to be the real thing!

Dani reminded me that I like the smell of dryer sheets. I like the smell of the dryer sheets by themselves, but the best part is to smell them from outside when you walk by the vent to the dryer.

Thanks to those who participated! It was nice to share and even nicer to realize that I am not the only smelly one around! πŸ™‚

If you are sorry to have missed this opportunity, take a peek at the end of this month to see what next month’s “My Favorite Things” group writing project will be!

Healthy Learning

Today marks day 2 of our home school year. I was in a crunch today, so I had Anna read her Health book out loud to Peter. Because they are going through a fighting stage (I hope), I walked out of the room thinking “yeah, right. That’s really going to go well!”

When I walked back into the room, Anna was explaining to Peter what good posture was, and doing a right good job! I tried to hide my surprise, but I think they might have heard my jaw when it hit the floor. πŸ™‚

They spent at least half an hour on Health and talked about it some throughout the day as they worked to stand and sit with good posture. I think Peter got as much learning (if not more!) from that lesson than I could have given him, and Anna got a lot more out of it by teaching it to someone else!

So, I guess I just hired a new health teacher! πŸ™‚

Tabetha’s Tidbit: Where to Park?

It seems to be common among shoppers to drive around the parking lot looking for a space close to the store to save steps, but unless you are only buying a few things, parking close to the store does not actually save steps.

Let’s say you get the very first parking space that is not handicapped. After loading down your cart in the store, you push it out to load it all in your car. After working a miracle getting it all in your car, you are then stuck with an empty cart to put away. By the time you walk halfway down the parking lot to put it away, you have used all the extra steps you thought you had saved by parking close to the store.

If you park halfway down the parking lot, you can grab a cart on the way by and deposit it back in the cart rack after your shopping is done. No steps are saved by doing this, but you might save yourself a little time looking for a space. πŸ™‚

This advice is not intended for those who shop in stores that have cart racks in the front of the store, those who buy small quantities that can be carried out by hand, or those who refrain from returning the cart to the rack.

A Farewell to the Ocean

Here are pictures of what was probably our last swim in the ocean for the year.

Group Writing Project: Favorite Smells

After writing a previous post about My favorite smells, I began to wonder what your favorite smells are. In an effort to find out, I decided to start a monthly group writing project.

I got this idea from Robert Hruzek’s “What I Learned From” series of blog posts at Middle Zone Musings, who assigns a group writing project each month. He gets a lot of interesting responses.

I hope you will participate in my new “copy cat” venture by letting me know, on your own blog, what your favorite smells are and email me or leave a comment with a link. If you do not have a blog, you are welcome to put the list in my comments section.

I will pull together, and link to, everyone who responds to this group writing project by September 7. I can’t wait to hear (read?) from you! Stay tuned next month to see what the next “My Favorite Things” post will be!

Craziest Hour of the Day

Here is my crazy hour for the day. I’m glad there was only one!!

Candice was quite fussy this morning, so I ended up putting her in her bed to cry safely while I mixed some infant oatmeal for her. As I was beginning on the oatmeal mix, an orange soda that had been calmly sitting on top of the refrigerator decided to take a leap onto the floor beneath it.

Now, you have to understand the reputation of our floor. It is hard glossy tile that seems to win against everything that dares to fall on it (including me, but that is another story).

So, the orange soda decided to take a leap to see what happened. What happened was the can ended up squashed on one side and started crying orange soda everywhere (and I do mean everywhere). So, I grabbed it and comforted it in the sink until it stopped crying. Unfortunately, the baby had not stopped.

I left the orange on the floor and finished mixing the cereal for Candice. It was then that I realized thatΒ  the orange soda tears were all over the floor around the highchair, so I had to clean them up before giving Candice her cereal.

Finally the mess was cleaned up, and I was ready to feed Candice….right after I put the mop away. But before I got that far, Peter said, “Ew…..Mom, what is that stuff all over Bethany?!” Sure enough, she had dumped Candice’s bowl of cereal all over herself. So, then I proceeded to clean up mess #2. Then I proceeded to make bowl of cereal #2. Then FINALLY I fed Candice! Then the kids and I sat back and enjoyed some orange soda! My new motto:Β  “When life throws a soda at you, turn it up and take a drink.”

22 Smells I Like

Recently, I have posted about liking the smell of new books and the smell of sheets dried outdoors. After thinking about it a bit, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a smelly person. πŸ™‚ Here is an incomplete list of smells I enjoy.

  1. New books
  2. Luke’s shaving cream
  3. Coffee
  4. New money
  5. Hazelnut
  6. Luke’s deodorant
  7. Common Scents
  8. Bread baking
  9. Newly built house
  10. New car
  11. Honeysuckle
  12. Luke’s aftershave
  13. Cookies baking
  14. Fresh cut wood
  15. Cinnamon
  16. Freshly cut grass
  17. Blueberry
  18. New clothes
  19. Apple Pie
  20. Chocolate
  21. Freshly bathed baby
  22. Spring

So, what scents do you enjoy? If you are willing to share, please leave a comment or use this as an opportunity for an easy blog post of your own.

Go ahead & share. It just makes scents! πŸ˜€

To Dry or Not to Dry

I did it! I did it! I fixed a dryer that was taking 3 hours to dry each load of clothes!! We had been struggling with it for months, and I had resorted to hanging my clothes out on the porch to get them dry! It actually took less time that way! Amazingly, sheets, because they are only one layer, only take 20 minutes in the bright sunshine to dry! And oh the smell! I love sheets that have been hanging outside!! Oh wait, I’m supposed to be bragging on myself. πŸ™‚

We live in the upstairs part of a 2 family apartment, so we share a washer and dryer (in the basement) with our neighbors. Our neighbor cleaned out the dryer vent hose, but it did nothing toward making our dryer hotter. So, more time went by with me enjoying the fresh outdoor scent of our clothes.

One day several weeks ago, I had a load of clothes that I really needed to wash before the next day. Unfortunately, the dryer was busy. I waited for 5 or 6 hours on our slow dryer to dry 2 loads of our neighbor’s clothes, and the third load was in and still very wet. Even though I enjoy the aroma of fresh air on our clothes, I needed a dry load of clothes before the next day!

So, my fingers did the walking across my keyboard, and I did a bit of research. I had done the research before, but for some reason I had over looked one little word in my previous research. Wanna know what that word was? You sure? Maybe I shouldn’t tell you.

Okay. That word was “outside.” So, now it is all cleared up, and I can end this blog post. Oh wait! You say you don’t get it? What are you, slow? Okay, I guess I’ll have to spell it out for you! I-A-M-B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!!!

Oh yeah…..bragging on myself……wait….isn’t that what I was just doing?

Our neighbor checked the vent hose leading to outside, but did he check the actual vent outside the house? So, out of desperation to get that load of laundry done as quickly as possible, I walked outside, got down on my knees, and felt for a vent. Sure enough, there was a little vent that pops right off that was caked with wet lint. After pulling it all off, the dryer dried a load in one drying cycle!!! All that lint was blocking moisture from escaping from the dryer! Yep, I’m brilliant. Go ahead. Say it. I know you’re dying to! πŸ˜‰

Oh, wait! What’s that you say? Anybody could have figured that out? It was obviously done by someone before? You don’t say? Oh well, at least my dryer works!

Untasteful Refrigeration

While visiting a friend several weeks ago, I discovered that she stores her nail polish in the refrigerator. When I asked her about it, she said that her mom had always done it, so she does it, too. I thought no more of it until tonight!

It literally took me half an hour to scrub the nail polish off Anna’s finger/toe nails! She had painted her nails at my friend’s house. Now, I’m curious. Is it possible that refrigerating the nail polish made it so difficult to get off? Maybe my remover was old? If you have a guess at what the issue was or if you have a suggestion on how to get it off in the future, I would love to know!

I did a little research on my own tonight and discovered that people have some really interesting ideas on what should be refrigerated. I also discovered that some people recommend that you store nail polish in the fridge to make it last longer.

From my experience, some nail polish just clumps no matter what, but maybe I should have tried refrigerating it! But maybe I also knew in the back of my mind that storing nail polish in the fridge could be dangerous because there is a small chance that the jar will get broken in the fridge, and if that happened, there is a small chance that the motor in the fridge will cause a spark, leading to the small chance that it might cause an explosion. πŸ˜€

So there’s my excuse!