I have never heard a baby laugh like this! It is hilarious!!
Monthly Archives: September 2007
On my To-Do List…
Call Yogi Bear (shortened from Yogi Bear Jellystone Campground). Next thing you know, I’ll be calling Fred Flintstone (to order vitamins maybe?).
Busy Bethany
Bethany has become quite busy lately! She is learning to run and move faster, and I seem to be losing that ability as my tummy gets bigger and bigger! 🙂 Lately, if the statement “Where’s Bethany” comes from anyone’s mouth, you know there is a mess somewhere to be cleaned up! Here is what she accomplished today:
- emptied an entire box of kleenex and then tried to put them back
- partially unpacked a box of clothes from storage
- pulled all the diapers out of her package of diapers
- emptied a drawer of dry goods in the pantry
- pulled half a tub of “pop up” wet wipes from the container
- stopped the CD player and removed the CD
On the positive side, she also:
- still enjoys “peek a boo”
- says “I want some”
- asks for hugs
- points at and names facial features
- obeys simple commands
- knows the names of her siblings
- calls car keys “bye bye”
- dances to any music she hears
- calls her favorite blanket “night night”
Despite her ability to be two messes along by the time I clean up one, I can’t imagine life without her. She is definitely the most precious 4th child I’ve ever had! 🙂
Only a Summary
Well, it appears that my post on How Luke and I met was a quick summary compared to Luke’s version. Take a peek and learn our story from his perspective! If you decide to post how you met your sweetheart, please let us know in the comments section of either blog! 🙂
Phillip’s Turn
On April 23, Anna learned to ride a bike at the age of 7. Peter learned 3 months later on July 24 at the age of 5. This past Sunday on September 2, our little 4 year old learned to ride a bike! They are getting younger and younger (and this time it’s not just my imagination). 🙂 Next thing you know little Bethany will be up on a bike! You think? Nah!!! Give her another 6 months!
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