Category Archives: Kids

10 Good Things About a Broken Leg

Here are some things I am thankful for concerning my fall and Candice’s fractured leg. I know God has been, and will continue to, take care of us!

  1. Candice was not seriously injured.
  2. I was holding her face out, which meant holding her lower and having a better grip on her.
  3. It was only a fall down 3 steps instead of the whole flight of stairs!
  4. My bulky diaper bag cushioned the fall.
  5. Babies heal very quickly.
  6. The great review process at the hospital that let them know to redo the cast.
  7. We have good insurance!
  8. Luke was home, and I did not have to take the whole gang to the ER!
  9. I came out of it with only scratches and bruises!
  10. God blessed us with reflexes and instincts to protect ourselves and (especially) others in a fall!

    Candice’s Cast

    Candice has her first cast already…at 9 months of age. Here’s what happened. I was going down our deck stairs one evening while holding Candice, and decided to fall down the last three steps.

    I did everything I could to protect Candice, including pulling her away from the side I was obviously going to land on. I was able to protect her head and body, but her little leg was still dangling down. When we landed at the bottom, my knee landed on her lower leg.

    I immediately called to Luke, who came down to take Candice from me and took her inside. After I calmed Candice down as much as possible and calmed myself down, I took her to the ER. When they checked her in, they took both her feet and moved her legs in circles to see if her joints were okay. She did not make a single peep. I began to wonder then if I had made a big deal out of nothing.

    At home after she fell, I had tried to stand her up to see if she would put weight on it, and she wouldn’t. So, after sitting down to wait in the waiting room, I tried again to stand her up, and she still wouldn’t put weight on it. Obviously it was something.

    To make a VERY long story short, we spent 9 hours in the waiting room. The doctor did an x-ray as a precaution, but he did not think it would show anything. He seemed a bit surprised when it showed that her shin was fractured. That was when I heard, “You were a smart mom to bring her in.”

    She left with a cast on her leg, which had to be redone 2 days later because it was too loose. They were afraid it would fall off! Amazingly, she was crawling on the cast the first day and eventually learned to pull up with it on. She has also learned to make noise by kicking the floor with her cast! 🙂

    I have more to say on this topic, but I thought I should get the basic information out there before I get in trouble by my friends and family that might not know yet. I guess it might be a bit late for that, huh, since it happened over a week ago. 😐 Maybe they won’t hate me too much? Please?

    Stay tuned for more on Candice’s Cast and hopefully a picture (if I ever remember to take one)!

    Beep Beep

    Tonight during supper, Peter said, “Hey, I can see my heart beeping!” After I corrected him, Anna started being silly and said, “Oh, you see your heart going, beep, beep, beep, beep……” Just for the fun of it, I started beeping in harmony with her and then Luke joined in. Then Luke said, “Hey, we should get everybody to join and see how many different beeps we can get going.” As soon as the words left his mouth, a car alarm went off outside, “beep, beep, beep……” The timing was unbelievable! 🙂

    Name That Kid

    Having a large family makes for some interesting conversations sometimes. Here is how the conversation at breakfast this morning went:

    Peter: Can I have yogurt?

    me: Yes

    Bethany: Can I have yogurt in a bowl?

    Phillip: Can I have applesauce?

    me: No

    Bethany: I want yogurt

    me: It is already in a cup. You don’t need a bowl.

    Phillip: Why can’t I have applesauce?

    Bethany: Can I have yogurt?

    me: I never said you couldn’t have applesauce.

    Phillip: You said ‘no’

    Bethany: I want yogurt

    me: I didn’t hear you ask

    Peter: I’m just getting yogurt for Bethany

    me: I was talking to Phillip

    Peter: Phillip can have yogurt?!

    me: No, he was asking about something else

    And on and on it went. And that was with just three of my kids. Anna had not entered the room yet, and Candice was behaving fairly well.

    I think a little bit of confusion will be eliminated once I learn to use names before responding to my children. It is conversations like the one above that will eventually push me to remember their names, so I can use them. 😀

    Notes: Peter did eventually get thanked for helping out with Bethany, Bethany did eventually get yogurt, and Peter was surprised that Phillip might be getting yogurt because Phillip has a milk allergy.

    Are Your Bones Clean?

    I was impressed with how clean my 2 year old got her chicken bone at supper the other night. There was no chicken on the floor or her plate when she was done, either. In case you are curious, this was a thigh bone.

    And just in case you didn’t get a good look, here is a close up of the bone.

    Go ahead, just try to get yours cleaner! If nothing else, it is a good excuse to eat chicken!

    Candice at 8 Months

    I decided it was high time I gave a little update on Candice. She has been crawling for just over a month and has now mastered pulling up. She is also really beginning to babble and is getting big enough to enjoy playing with and getting “irritated by” (Phillip’s version of “entertained by”) her siblings. 🙂

    Here are a few pictures of Candice taken within the last few weeks:

    Professional Portraits (sort of)

    Back in 2004, around the time we went on a trip to Niagara Falls, we decided to stop doing professional portraits of our children and make our own with a digital camera. Recently I posted the pictures of our older four children, but Candice slept through most of the photo shoot. So, we tried again this past Sunday and here are her two best “professional portraits” at the age of 8 months. (I will post more casual pictures of her soon).



    Which is Best?

    Luke asked me in a blog post to choose my favorite post. Unfortunately this posed a teeny problem for me. I could not choose! So here is a list of my top 10, plus a “few” runners up. Which one do you think should be my top post?

    Top 10

    Mom Can’t Use a Hammer
    Phillip’s opinion as he watches me trying to put a nail in the wall

    A Great Mother’s Day Gift
    Pictures of the kids on Mother’s Day

    Almost an Artist
    Me learning to make Flag cards

    I will NOT mop
    A clash of wills between me and the floor

    7 Things About Me
    A few things about me that you might not know

    Peter’s Ponderings
    A 3 year old’s perspective

    Turn on my Lights
    Communication (or lack of) between 2 young boys

    Independence Day 2008
    4th of July Pictures

    Do You Think I’m Pretty?
    the honesty of children

    Scary Bathrooms
    a 2 year olds view of no touch bathrooms

    Runners Up

    Short Term Toy
    11 Ways to Beat Time at His own Game
    One More Birthday
    Forget Perfection! Give Me Speed!
    A Time to Scream
    Pet Pine Cones
    Sports and Computer Games

    Healthy Learning

    Today marks day 2 of our home school year. I was in a crunch today, so I had Anna read her Health book out loud to Peter. Because they are going through a fighting stage (I hope), I walked out of the room thinking “yeah, right. That’s really going to go well!”

    When I walked back into the room, Anna was explaining to Peter what good posture was, and doing a right good job! I tried to hide my surprise, but I think they might have heard my jaw when it hit the floor. 🙂

    They spent at least half an hour on Health and talked about it some throughout the day as they worked to stand and sit with good posture. I think Peter got as much learning (if not more!) from that lesson than I could have given him, and Anna got a lot more out of it by teaching it to someone else!

    So, I guess I just hired a new health teacher! 🙂

    A Farewell to the Ocean

    Here are pictures of what was probably our last swim in the ocean for the year.