Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

If you get technical….

When AM went to get dressed this morning, she realized she only had one clean shirt (I know, I know!! I'm way behind on laundry!!). When she realized that the only shirt she had was one that she doesn't like very much, she said, “Mom, I don't want to wear that shirt.” I replied with, “Well that's your only choice.” Then I went into the kitchen. She followed me, and here's how the conversation went.

AM: “So it's okay to just wear my PJs all day?”

me: “No, you have to get dressed.”

AM: “So, I have to wear the shirt I don't like.”

me: “yes.”

AM: “Okay. So really, I have no choice. You said I had a choice, but I don't get to choose at all. That confused me.”

me: (with eyebrows raised in surprise) “I guess you are right. I should have said, 'You have no choice.'”

It is a humbling experience to be corrected by your 6 year old daughter. I guess I better get used to it!!


We are moving in a few weeks, and we have sold our table already. So we have been eating on the floor (off plates, of course)! The kids had been eating apple and had bits of apple and seeds still on their plates on the floor. While I was distracted sweeping the floor, I said, “Peter, dump those plates in the trash.” Peter, the one who likes to hear everything repeated, said, “Mom, did you say dump the plates in the trash?” I said, “yes,” and continued sweeping. The next thing I know, Peter has dumped 2 plates of apple leftovers on the floor and looked very excited to be the one to get to do it. I had my mouth open to reprimand him when I let my ears hear what we had just said. I had told him to dump them in the floor, he asked me (probably in disbelief) if I told him to dump them on the floor, and then he proceeded to obey very quickly. Never in his life has he obeyed quite that quickly!! He was probably afraid I would take it back if he didn't hurry! Peter did not get the reprimand I had ready to give him. We just got a good laugh over it! Maybe next time my mouth will say what my brain told it to!!

Found a Peanut

We have known AM was allergic to peanuts since before she was one. Several weeks ago, L got her a free cookie from Kroger. When AM said the cookie tasted like peanut butter, L smelled it and discovered it was a peanut butter cookie. We had been wondering if she was still allergic, so L did not give her benadryl. Guess what!! No reaction!! A few days ago, we gave her a peanut M&M with no reaction. The next day we let her eat at Chick-fil-A (they cook withpeanut oil) with no reaction. It appears that she has outgrown the allergy. We are still cautious and not letting her eat peanuts when we are not around, but so far, so good. She is enjoying peanut butter, too! She has had it on chocolate pie and oatmeal pancakes! She has been asking for a peanut butter sandwich, but I haven't given in yet. I'm not sure why. Somehow I am still a little uneasy with allowing her to have peanuts. Maybe because I've been cautious and on the lookout for peanuts most of her life. It's hard to break the habit!! I am very glad that I will not be hearing, “That looks so good. I wish I could have peanut butter.” How exciting for her!!

No Wheat!!

We have known for a long time that Ph was allergic to wheat. The doctor said that it is a minor allergy, so we let him eat it anyway. The only problem was that he wanted nothing but wheat products. I have learned from various sources that people tend to crave the things they are allergic to. So for the last several weeks, we have removed wheat from our diets. We have eaten spaghetti with eggplant instead of noodles (tasted good but didn’t look like spaghetti), spaghetti with rice noodles (tasted good and looked like spaghetti – but we undercooked the noodles), eggplant lasagna (would have been good if we’d cooked eggplant differently), and zucchini lasagna (not very good).

One thing we really missed was pancakes, so tonight we experimented with a new recipe made with oatmeal. The recipe calls for oat flour, but we ground our own in a food processor. We also used regular salt instead of sea salt and 2% milk instead of nonfat. Also, there is a point in the cooking process just before you add egg to the mix when it is delicious. I tasted it then and enjoyed it more than the pancakes themselves!! Here is the recipe:

3/4 cup Oat Flour
3/4 cup Oats, Rolled, Quick Cooking
1 cup Nonfat Milk
2 Tb Sugar
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
2 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 Tb Vegetable Oil
2 Egg Whites

-In a small saucepan heat milk till hot; stir in oats; let stand for 5 minutes.
-In a mixing bowl combine oat flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add oat-milk mixture.
-In a small bowl combine egg yolks and cooking oil; add all at once to flour-oat mixture, stirring just till combined.
-In another bowl beat egg white till stiff peaks form; fold into the batter. For each pancake, pour about 1/4 cup of the batter onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet.

-Cook till golden brown, turning to cook other side when pancake has a bubbly surface and slightly dry edges. Use a 1/4 cup measure as a handy scoop for transferring pancake batter from the bowl to the griddle.

Source: service

Do you think I’m pretty?

AM and P were playing dress up yesterday. Here is how the conversation went.

AM: P, do you think I’m pretty in these dress up clothes?

P: No, your clothes are ugly.

AM: Mom, do you think I’m pretty?

Me: Yes, but it has nothing to do with your clothes.

AM: P, don’t you think I’m pretty?

P: no

AM: Do you want to wear this coat?

P: yes

AM: Do you think I’m pretty?

P: yes

AM: Okay, here’s the coat.

P: Yeah, I get the coat!!

AM: Did you just say I was pretty to get the coat?

P: yes

AM: I just gave it to you so you’d say I’m pretty

The innocent honesty of children! The world might be a different place if we were all that honest. Although, I’m not sure if it would be for better or worse!!

Sly Little Peter

Here is a typical conversation with Peter after he asks me a question and the answer is no.

P: Mom, can I have a cookie?

M: No.

P: Mom, did you say no?

M: yes.

P: You said yes?!

M: no

P: Did you say no?

M: yes

P: You said yes?!

M: no
And around and around we go. I have begun to guide the conversation this way:

P: Mom, can I have a cookie?

M: no

P: Did you say no.

M: I said you cannot have a cookie.

That works for now anyway. Who knows what he’ll come up with next.


I had heard some of these before but not all of them. I wanted to share. (I got these from a weekly newsletter sent out at church)
Ever Wonder Why?

Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken our skin?

Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic Wins Lottery?”

Why is “abbreviated” such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do “practice?”

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a “broker?”

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called “rush hour?”

Why isn’t there mouse flavored cat food?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestrictible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

Why are they called “apartments” when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so fafe, why do they call part of the airport “terminals?”

Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
It suddenly dawned on me that I sound like a curious 3 year old!! Why, Mommy, Why? At least this time you don’t have to think of the answers!!


I am a little discouraged with Ph’s potty training. He does not care if he is wet!! Both AM and P cried when they wet their underwear, which let me know exactly when they went. This helped me know how often to send them to the potty. Phillip started out great this morning! He made it several hours with no accident. He even woke up dry!! But he has now wet his underwear twice and did not care either time!! He just walks around until I notice that his pants are wet!! He doesn’t go much at a time, so there are not usually puddles to clean up. I am thankful for that!I know what you are thinking. He has not even been training for a week, and he woke up dry and made it several hours without an accident. Be thankful for that! That is probably true! I am so glad you gave me such wonderful advice!! Good thing I can read your mind, huh? 🙂
Seriously, though, if anybody has suggestions other than the one above, I would be glad to hear (or read) it!!


As I type, AM and P are splashing around in water outside. But not in a pool! Uncle N put plastic in the back of his truck and filled it up with water. So they are swimming in a truck pool!! Isn’t uncle N creative? I must admit that never in my life have I ever imagined my children swimming in the back of a truck!!! But there they are splashing around and having a blast!!!

Stay tuned to hear of their bungee jumping from the chimney!! Just kidding!! But they might really be able to swing like Tarzan. The vines are already provided (hanging out our chimney)! 🙂

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Potty Training

Ph is officially potty training. So far today has been good. He really does not seem to know when he needs to go yet, but he knows when he has gone, and he knows what he is supposed to do when he sits down on the potty. He is definitely learning, but when it comes to recognizing the urge to go, I am the one trained so far. I send him regularly, and he has only had one accident in his underwear today. Eventually he will learn to tell me when he goes instead of me sending him and hoping he has to go. He works with me some, though. When I send him, he goes, even if it is just a tiny bit!

This is all better than when we tried about a week ago. I set the timer for 45 minutes, so I wouldn’t forget to send him to the potty. Guess what? He went three times in that time period, once in the potty and twice in his underwear! I don’t think he knows how to empty his bladder. That is why I am now sending him every 20 minutes or so. He’ll get the hang of it!!

I am not pushing him too much. I don’t want him to know how bad I want him potty trained! I am pushing just a little, though, by reminding him that the diaper rashes will be history when he starts going in the potty (he is getting awful rashes!). This way maybe he will think it was his idea to go potty!

Speaking of potty training, P has decided that the age of 4 is too big to have accidents. He even said once that he didn’t want to go in the little potty because, “I’m four now!!” I did not argue!! Now the little potty can be mainly for Ph, and P can be the “big boy” example for Ph!!

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