Time to POP! Pick One Pick and post it on the internet!
A No Touch Detour
Anna and I went to the airport tonight to pick up my mom, who is moving here. We rode a bus about 45 minutes to the airport. After using the restroom, I called Luke to let him know we had made it and could find our way around the airport quite well. That is when he told us that we needed to get right back on a bus to head back home!
My mom’s flight had been delayed to the point that there would be no bus to get us home that late at night. So, we took a 1.5 hour trip to the airport just to use their bathroom and leave!! 😀
The interesting thing is that on the way to the airport, the bus driver was ahead of schedule, so he went out of his way to drop me at the airport about 20 minutes before he was actually supposed to. After I talked to Luke, Anna and I actually had time to get back to the bus stop in time to catch the same bus when we were supposed to be getting off! How’s that for cool?
Wanna know what else is cool? For the first time ever, I had the privelege of entering a restroom that was completely no touch. The toilets, water, soap, and dryers were all no touch. Maybe eventually there will be a no touch toilet paper dispenser! Then again, the no touch technology is scary enough as it is!
Picker Slapper
While listening to Peter read today, I was shocked when he suddenly slapped his own hand.
Me: Peter, why did you slap yourself?
Peter: I picked my nose. Daddy told me to slap my hand every time I pick my nose.
Me: (speechless and trying to hold back laughter)
Peter: I pick my nose a lot, so I slap myself a lot.
When he cracked a smile, I could no longer hide it, and we all burst into laughter. Where does that little boy come up with this stuff? And this from Mister I’m Not a Clown!
Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-05-03
- 7YO after eating a banana, “I’m gonna go exercise and turn that banana into muscle!” #
- Been enjoying having the windows open today! It is beautiful outside! 🙂 #
- Just watched my 9YO daughter study the swivel door to the corner cabinet in fascination. It was cool! #
- @patsyclairmont You crack me up! 😀 #
- Wonder if I can put up a blog post before I fall asleep? #
- What an absolutely beautiful day!!!!! #
- Just read that beans count as a vegetable on the south beach diet. Can that be right? Dare I get my hopes up? 🙂 #
- You can tell I haven’t had sugar in a week and a half. Green beans and onions actually taste sweet to me now!! 🙂 #
- My 3YO got a hair yesterday from an unknown sibling. Unfortunately, I can’t get anyone to tell me who has a secret dream of being a barber. #
- Just got a letter addressed to the parents of me! It was actually for me, but I can’t say I’ve gotten one addressed that way in a while! #
- 7YO, “I don’t think it’s fair that life isn’t fair!” #
- My dishes are getting done regularly!! By my kids!!!!! #
- I have developed a new love for nuts! Almonds and cashews…yum! #
- South beach is making me wonder why we need to eat food anyway, and laundry is making me wonder why we need clothes anyway? 😀 #
- My digital camera isn’t broken!!! It just needed new rechargeable batteries! Guess those things die after awhile…. But I’m SO excited!!! #
- Did you know a high branch rope chain saw existed? http://tinyurl.com/c9c6n9 #
- My hubbie was right! I DO like tweetie. Thanks, Sweetie! #
- Got up early with the Lord this morning. Gotta admit, I didn’t really want to be up, but I am hoping that will change as I make it a habit. #
- Here’s a pretty cool explanation for twitter. http://tinyurl.com/da4f2r #
- Twitter and facebook get the credit for a good bit of my blog traffic! Wanna check it out? http://tabetha.gedeon.name #
- To 3YO, “You get to sleep in a summer t-shirt.” 3YO to me, “Do I have a summer t-skirt?” She loves dresses, skirts, and anything girly! #
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Spring Sprang Sprung
Several years ago, I suddenly noticed and became in awe of the seasonal change from winter to spring. Watching the world brighten up is an amazing process!
This year I have pictures to show how quickly spring happened here in Rhode island. I took some pictures of the tree outside our house exactly 2 weeks ago. Here is what the tree looked like.
I took pictures again today, and the tree looks like this.
Isn’t God absolutely amazing?
Is Your Work in Vain?
I used to be afraid to leave my children with a babysitter, even if I knew them very well. Besides the fact that I tend to worry too much anyway, my children have allergies, and I’m always concerned something will happen, and the sitter won’t know what to do.
Because of this, I always type out a letter, with detailed instructions on how to take care of the children – probably more detailed than necessary. But what really eased my fears even more than my very detailed letter was the realization that my children always have the same caretaker. God is the one watching over them and can do a much better job of protecting them than I can!
For the last 2 or 3 weeks, I have been seeing a lot of Psalm 127. You know what I mean. God puts the same scripture before you over and over until you finally say, “Wait a minute. Are You trying to tell me something here?”
Psalm 127 says:
1 Unless the Lord builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain.2 It is vain for you to rise up early,
To sit up late,
To eat the bread of sorrows;
For so He gives His beloved sleep.3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.
Verse 1 is the main one that has really taught me a lesson. To me, this verse is saying that no job is worth doing if God is not in it. That means I should constantly make sure that the way I am parenting my children is pleasing to God. If it is not, it is all in vain! And who wants anything they have done to be in vain, especially the raising of their children?!
Parenting may not be an issue for you, but whatever the issue, do yourself a favor and give it to God. Give him that something that you are afraid won’t work out quite right. Or you might even have to give him that something that you are certain you have completely under control all by yourself. Give it to God and let him make good use of all the work you put into it!
Shut Up
I was introduced to this video by a twitter friend of mine, Danielle Bean. Thanks, Danielle!
My Little Clown
Peter has always been my little clown. It is almost like silliness wells up within him, and he just can’t contain it!
At the library several months ago, Peter was making faces at some high school girls. When they started laughing and pointing, he hid behind a book shelf! When I asked him why he was hiding, the conversation went like this:
Peter: Those girls are laughing at me.
Me: Were you making faces at them?
Peter: Yes.
Me: Didn’t you make faces at them so they would laugh at you?
Peter: Yes, but now they will think I’m a clown.
Me: Don’t you like being a clown?
Peter: No.
Me: Why not?
Peter: Because clowns have big red noses!
We have had several discussions about clowns and how it isn’t true that ALL clowns have red noses, but he is convinced that they all do, therefore he does NOT want to be a clown. He can’t help himself, though! He still makes faces at people in stores or on the bus, and when someone laughs at him, he is encouraged to do it even more!
Easter Family Picture
Luke already posted this picture of our family a week or so ago. Now it is my turn. 😉
Sugar, Sugar Everywhere
I have now been on the South Beach diet for a week. One of the parts of this diet is that you are not allowed to have sugar for the first 2 weeks. This has been quite a challenge, not because we just can’t live without sugar, but because sugar is in absolutely everything!
Just for the fun of it, you should start reading the labels at the grocery store just to see how hard it is to find something that is genuinely sugar free.
The biggest shock to us was salad dressing. We looked up and down the aisle of several different stores looking for any salad dressing that did not contain sugar or corn syrup. Even the fat free and light dressings had sugar as an ingredient. We ended up finding one salad dressing that was genuinely sugar free.
The one life saving dressing was Newman’s Own Olive Oil & Vinegar. I am not a big fan of vinegar, but this dressing actually tastes good. I have been eating it daily for a whole week and am not tired of it yet. That is saying something.
Anyone else have experience looking for genuine sugar free products? I’d love to know what you found! Please share! Homemade recipes are allowed too! 🙂