Happy 90th, Grandma!

My grandma turned 90 years old today!! Can you imagine? I am curious, though. Do you expect to live to be 90 years old? If so, I wonder what life will be like then? For me, that will be 2067.

(Okay, now I have a confession to make. I just spent a full 2 or 3 minutes figuring out what year I will turn 90. Let me give a hint to those who happen to be as tired as I am. Take your birth year, add 100, and subtract 10.)

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Grandma! I love you!!

But Don’t Sock Up!

I have always been weird about my socks. I don’t like it when:

  • I sleep in them
  • they get wet
  • they get wrinkled or twisted
  • the heel slides down in my shoe
  • the seam is against my little toe
  • the top is too loose or tight

I did mention that I was weird about my socks, right? Do you believe me?

Well, take it from me, the picky sock girl! I have found socks that have none of the above problems. Introducing the cool and comfortable fuzzy socks!!

These socks are SO cool! They don’t wrinkle or fall off, yet they don’t cut your circulation either! They seem to repel water (to a reasonably degree…don’t jump in the pool to check them out). They are comfortable alone, yet they feel very soft and comfortable with shoes.

If you have that urge to try something new in this area, you should give these a try! Of course, you should not stock up because you are not me, therefore you may not personally like them, and if you do like them, you still won’t be me because that is impossible (for anyone except my hubby).

Miracle Diaper Rash Remedy

Several years ago, in a desperate mission to comfort the burn of my infant’s bottom, I did an internet search and found the best solution for diaper rash that I have found yet. First let me clarify that the type of rash she had was a yeast rash from teething. The doctor usually prescribes Nystatin for it, but it doesn’t seem to work for my little ones.

Candice is now cutting molars and seems to be miserable at both ends. Because my children have fair and sensitive skin, it doesn’t take much to cause a rash. I put this mix on her red and raw bottom last night, and the redness was improved by at least 50% this morning!

Here are the instructions for the (not so) “secret” formula:

  1. Clean the diaper area, preferably with a warm wash cloth (wipes can burn).
  2. Place a diaper under the child.
  3. Spread Desitin on the rash until you have a medium thick layer.
  4. Sprinkle baby powder on top of the Desitin and mix it with the Desitin with your finger
  5. Spread a thin layer of Vaseline on top of the powder and mix it in.
  6. Wipe the remaining goop off your finger onto the clean diaper.
  7. Close the diaper and dress as usual.

Now, after you get this on your child, you will think your child should be walking funny with all that goop on his bottom, but believe me, he’ll be much more comfortable by morning. You can use this mix any time of the day, but I see the best results over night.

I would show pictures to prove my point, but I don’t guess that would be appropriate, huh? Not to mention the fact that I didn’t take any! 🙂 Oh well, you’ll just have to take my word for it, or better yet, try it yourself…I mean on your child….that is, if you happen to have a child in the diaper age range. 😐


Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
– Philippians 2:14-15

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
– Philippians 4:8

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
– Philippians 4:11

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
– 1 Corinthians 10:31

But godliness with contentment is great gain.
– 1 Timothy 6:6

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-05-10

  • Who is this? And what did she do with my 3YO?! My 3YO does not NOT eat raw broccoli – even if it IS dipped in dressing! #
  • All 5 of my kids ate unsweetened oatmeal for breakfast! We are actually getting somewhere with this “no sugar” thing! You should try it! 🙂 #
  • @NatalieGrant Skip the pullups. There will be a few messes at 1st, but they’ll get the idea quickly. I trained 4 this way. in reply to NatalieGrant #
  • @NatalieGrant 1 more thing. They WILL regress right before the end & start having accidents. Don’t give in! It doesn’t last long. Good luck! in reply to NatalieGrant #
  • @roberthruzek You don’t even like broccoli covered in cheese?! That’s the only way I used to eat it, but now I like about any ole way! 🙂 in reply to roberthruzek #
  • @RelevantMom Good for you! I am just now making a list for my 4 oldest ages 9, 7, 5, and 3!! I’m a bit behind! in reply to RelevantMom #
  • @DanielleBean What?! You mean your kids are actually quiet when they color? Or did you mean quiet in camparison? in reply to DanielleBean #
  • @roberthruzek Oh wow! You won’t believe how long I stood there trying to figure out what ICK is an acrostic for! 😐 in reply to roberthruzek #
  • Wanna reset your taste buds & taste food like you never have before? Drop sugar! You will be amazed!! #
  • Just drank my first cup of hot unsweetened tea! Amazing! #
  • @stretchmarkmama Hey! I’ve been dying to know how to put that cute little musical note up on twitter! How’d you do that? 🙂 in reply to stretchmarkmama #
  • Brilliant!! I think I have a lot to learn!! 😉 #

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Caring for China

Now is my opportunity to share with you about one of my husband’s life projects. Please check out Caring for China and consider helping out the cause. First is a quote from the website and then Luke’s request.

China is quickly and peacefully becoming a modern, capitalist democracy. Well, quickly in comparison to its five thousand year history, and in comparison to other nations in the past. Few nations, have made this transition peacefully.

China might.

To make this huge transition, though, China is going to need a lot of support from the rest of the world. Even more importantly the people of China need our support in this difficult period of Chinese history.

The Caring for China Center was founded to help the people of China to survive in this restless time and to seize this moment of opportunity.

Caring for China (C4C) is a growing non-profit organization with a dream to change the world… or at least a piece of it. Like any other non-profit, they are dependent on donations from people like you, but…

Here is a chance to give to a great cause without it costing you a penny!

All they need you to do is donate a blog post. Here are the instructions from Zemanta, the sponsor of this project.

  1. Blog about your favorite non-profit (Caring for China, right?) and why their work makes a difference. (If you want to, you can just copy this post. It is free for the copying.)
  2. Paste this text and link to the end of your post. Without this text and link, we will be unable to track and credit your charitable cause as part of this campaign:
  3. Publish your post!!
  4. Then go tell your friends to do the same!

Will you help today?

This blog post is part of Zemanta’s “Blogging For a Cause” campaign to raise awareness and funds for worthy causes that bloggers care about.

Online Classics

It would appear that youtube now provides the opportunity to watch TV online. I knew you could watch sections of shows on  youtube, but the picture was bad, and it just wasn’t the same. Now the picture seems to be better, but the movements are still a bit jerky (at least on my computer). Still, it has come a long way!

I was most interested in classic shows like The Dick Van Dyke Show. Which ones are you most interested in?


Here is yet another poem written by my favorite man on earth and presented to me in November 1998.


Trees are swaying in the breeze,
Breath of God that no one sees.
All around us grandeurs stand.
God is here. I see His hand.
Brilliant colors everywhere,
Excitement is in the air.
Every step is oh so light,
Daring us to take a flight.
To a place above the sky,
Ecstatically we will fly.
Here with you, I want to be.
On my knee I make a plea.
All I ask, all I desire,
Never let this time expire.

-Luke Gedeon