Luke and I watched Fireproof tonight, and I absolutely loved it! I both laughed and cried and sat on the edge of my seat for a good part of the movie. If you have not seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it! Here’s a little preview.
Tabetha’s Tidbit 2008-06-04
Ever scrape your fingernails on the metal dryer filter while getting the lint off? Tonight I discovered a way to prevent that from happening (at least most of the time). I took the dryer sheet that had come out of the previous load and used it to wipe the lint away. It worked like a charm!
Of course, if you don’t use dryer sheets, you would have to come up with another solution. Let me know what you come up with!
Unusual Find
As I mentioned before, Rhode Islanders like to have their unwanted items taken and nurtured by someone else; they don’t care who that someone else is. So they put it out on the curb for any passerby to claim.
Last week, I came across something that was a bit out of the ordinary! Some one had thrown their live flowers out! Believe it or not, some of these flowers are still alive and looking beautiful!
The Risk in Helping Others
Have you ever considered the fact that there is risk involved when you help someone?
Today at the pharmacy, I noticed a mom with her newborn. The straps of the baby’s infant carseat were loose enough that he could have come out of the seat in an auto accident. I had a strong urge to go over and talk to her and see if she would let me help her with the straps.
Let me point out here that I am not the type of person to walk up to a total stranger and ask them if I can help them with their baby. At least I didn’t used to be. 🙂
I got my nerve up to do it when the baby cried and she took him out of his car seat. Now I didn’t have to ask her to take the baby out.
When I walked up to her and started talking, she immediatly let me know that she did not speak English. I pulled on the strap of the empty car seat and motioned that they were loose and asked if I could fix it for her. She nodded.
After several adjustments and asking her to put the baby in to let me test the length, I was finished. I had to touch the baby’s arms to test the strap length, and that was the scariest part. I treated that tiny baby like he was made of porcelain because I was a total stranger to the mom and did not want to concern her in any way.
Fortunately she did not seem to be concerned, and the baby did not cry while I was testing the straps. There was risk involved, but to me, it was a risk well worth it! Now I can rest assured that her tiny helpless newborn will be as safe as possible in he car seat.
So, tell me. Do you think my actions were too risky? Did I do the right thing? Your input would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
Naturally Sweetened Tea
After dropping sugar from my diet recently, I had a hard time finding a hot tea that I liked. I tried tea after tea and couldn’t help but wonder how anybody ever could handle it unsweetened. Then I finally found one that was good and that actually had a semi-sweet taste to it.
The name of this wonderful naturally sweetened tea was Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Apple Spice tea. After reading the ingredients, the only one that was unfamiliar to me that might possibly be sweet was roasted carob. So, I did a bit of research on google and discovered that, sure enough, carob is a naturally sweet ingredient that was a blessing to me in my unsweetened tea.
The funny thing is that I can drink and enjoy regular unsweetened tea now that I have trained my mouth to taste the slightest sweetness! You have no idea how big that is! Me? Unsweetened tea or any other drink? No way!!! Guess there are still plenty of opportunites in this life for surprise…and change! Thank goodness for that!!
Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-05-31
- My friend just chatted a phrase that might bring unwanted ads, so she typed into her chat box, “I didn’t mean that, google!” 🙂 #
- Was just harmonizing with my 3yo as she said “aaahhhhh” while I was brushing her teeth… was actually pretty cool!! #
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Bible Acrostic
Ready for another acrostic? I’m on a roll!
Best book
Inspired by God
Acrostic Ice Breaker
Luke suggested a cool idea for getting your brain to cooperate while writing a blog post. The idea is to choose a word and make an acrostic for it. It is interesting how much you can get to know a person this way.
I had fun writing this acrostic about a sweater and hope that you will participate as well. If you do, please link to Luke’s original post, so he can enjoy your participation in his acrostic project! Have fun!
Soft –
The sweater I have in mind is very soft and comfortable. Because of this it is also…
Well worn –
Who can help wearing a favorite sweater even after it is well worn and ugly? Because I wear it alot, it has many occasions to be….
Electric –
Ever pull a sweater from the dryer and practically watch sparks fly as you pull another piece of clothing from it? Of course I have to be careful when drying it because it is 43%…
Acrylic –
Of course despite the fact that it is acrylic, it is one of my favorites, so it is…
Turned to time after time –
Unfortunately turning to it time after time can also be…
Embarrassing –
I am sure you are saying that I shouldn’t be embarrassed to wear my favorite sweater, but I guess I am weird. I never wear it to church any more because it looks old and worn. The only thing that makes up for its old and worn look is the fact that it is…
Rust colored –
Sweaters this color remind me of carpet or something old. In my opinion the fact that it looks old and worn tells the truth about it, and that is what makes it the perfect favorite sweater!
Can You Get Away With It?
Ever wish you could still get away with this?
Another Man’s Treasure
I am not quite sure how it happened this way, but somehow I have always lived in a college city. I am used to it, but apparently I am not used to students in Rhode Island at the end of the school year.
You see, here in Rhode Island it is common practice to set any furniture or useful things that you have to get rid of on the curb outside your house. That way it can be “recycled” by a passerby who has a need for the item(s). We have set things we no longer needed out on the curb several times, and it was taken within a few hours!!
Graduation at Brown University was this past weekend. We happened to drive by the college yesterday and ended up bringing home a whole van load of brand new looking furniture! And I must say that it was just in time, since my mom just moved here, and we needed a bit more furniture to accommodate her.
The best part is that while we were looking at the furniture “displayed” on the curb, one of the college students came out and asked if we had use for a desk and chest of drawers. After I agreed that we could use them, he went inside, took the pieces of furniture apart, and brought them out to us to load in our van!!
So, here we sit enjoying our “new to us” furniture! I am sure we will be returning the favor to passerbys of our house in the near future! And the recycle continues on and on and on and on and………….