36 years ago today abortion became legal. About.com summarizes it this way:
The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without restriction, and with restrictions in later months, based on the right to privacy.
I know that I have a diverse group of readers, and some of you may be thinking, “Not abortion again. Do I really need to read this?” Stick around, so that, when I ask you if you did your homework, you can raise your hand. 😀
I have come across a site that explains things in a way I have never heard. Abort73.com* is an organization that
exists to demonstrate the simple truth that unborn human beings are fully qualified to be recognized as persons under the law and be protected from any assault that might befall them.
The video below can be found on their site, so you get a choice. Are you going to watch it here or there? Regardless of where you choose to watch, please help get the word out about abort73.com.
*This site contains some pictures that might turn your stomach, but only if you click on the “pictures that demonstrate” link.