Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

My Favorite Husband

He’s thoughtful. He’s kind.
He’s friendly and true.
He’s so generous
I don’t know what to do

He’s gentle. He’s loyal.
He’ll always help out
No matter the cost
And without a doubt.

He’s patient. He’s loving.
He has faith in the Lord.
He’s always had vision,
A goal to look toward.

He’s slow to get angry.
He’s hard to offend.
He’s the best man around.
He’s my best friend.

I love you, Luke!

Anna and Blue’s Clues

My kids have been watching Blue’s Clues on occasion for several years now.  If you are not familiar with Blue’s Clues and/or have no idea what it is, this video tells a little about how it got started and this one tells about the change of hosts from Steve to Joe.

This is what Anna said today while watching an episode of Blue’s Clues:

“Joe doesn’t know anything!!…….You know, I think he really knows and just acts like he doesn’t because little kids are watching it.”

So….I guess she’s no longer a believer in Blue. 🙂

The Dealer

I discovered tonight that my husband knows how to win with style. While playing Risk tonight, my best move at one point would have been to attack Anna and remove her from the game. The only problem is that I could not bring myself to put her out of the game.

Then for Luke’s turn, his best move was also to take Anna out of the game. He actually took her out and made her feel honored for going out. He told her that she would end up on his team and get to roll the dice for him. She seemed to love the idea and showed no sadness whatsoever about going out of the game.

Now that is the way to play a board game. I wish I had that skill. Maybe I will learn it from him. Of course, it may not work for me. Nobody wants to be on my team because I’m always the first one out of the game. 🙂 Oh well! You can’t blame a girl for trying!!!

Luke’s Monologue

That title almost sounds Biblical. Anyway, here is Luke’s monologue to 3 month old Candice.

You like me talking to you don’t you? Look at that smile! I used to talk to your big sister like this when she your age. I would talk to her for hours after work every day. That is why she learned to talk so early. I thought it was so cool that she was learning to talk, but now I can’t get her to stop. That is why we have to make her wear that trainer. That is what it is there for, but she keeps on talking anyway. Oh well.

Arm & Hammer

Today I was inspired to go back to my old detergent after trying a different brand. I guess store brand doesn’t always cut it! I even wrote words to a song based on the song Rubber Duckie. Go ahead! Open the song in a new tab and listen to the tune for Rubber Duckie while singing the words to my song!

Arm & Hammer, you’re the one.
Even though you are no fun,
There’s no doubt; I know it’s true.

Arm & Hammer, you clean my toys,
You get the clothes clean, even the boys’,
Arm & Hammer, I’m so glad I have you.

Every time when I
put my clothes in the wash tubby
And sometimes even my shoes
They come out no longer grubby.

Other detergents aren’t worth a dime
They do not clean half the time
They are not nearly as good as you.

Every time when I
put my clothes in the wash tubby
And sometimes even my shoes
They come out no longer grubby.

Arm & Hammer, you’re so fine
As for favorites, you are mine
Arm & Hammer, I’m glad you have stayed-
Arm & Hammer, I glad you don’t fade-
Arm & Hammer, I’m glad you have stayed true.


A silly conversation between Luke and me:

L: It’s silliness.

T: It’s not silliness.

L: Did I say it’s silliness?! It’s silliness!

T: Okay. It’s silliness. Whatever you say….it’s silliness.

L: Okay. I’ll shut up now…..

Ni Hao? Xie Xie?

Bethany is really picking up on the few Chinese words we use regularly. I had heard that small children pick up on a new language more easily, but it is interesting to see it happen myself. It is obvious that she is able to recognize words that are Chinese because when she hears one Chinese word, she will start saying other Chinese words.

At breakfast today, I handed Bethany a muffin. After she took it, I said, “Say thank you.” She said, “Welcome….I mean, Ni Hao (hello) …..I mean, Xie Xie (thank you)….bukeqi (you’re welcome).” I think she was just reciting Chinese words she knew, not really sure of which words mean what, but she will learn soon enough! Who knows, she may end up being our translator in a few years!!

Engineer in Training

Several months ago I realized that Phillip seems to have a natural knack for engineering and things that take a lot of concentration. While playing a game of monopoly for family night one night, I looked over at Phillip and saw that he was lining up the hotels and houses in perfectly straight lines. Since then I have noticed that it is not an unusual occurrence to walk into a room and find toys lined up neatly. One day I saw a frisbee with a perfect ring of crayons around the edge. I knew instantly that it was Phillip’s handiwork.

From early on, Phillip has liked things to be very neat and in their place. When I come home from the grocery store, he pulls groceries out of the bags and starts putting them away. Whenever we are looking for something, Phillip is the one we are likely to ask first because he tends to know where things are.

Phillip also likes to take things apart and put them back together. Because of this, Peter has picked up on Phillip’s engineering-like abilities. When one of his toys breaks, he is very likely to ask Phillip to try to fix it. Several times I have heard Peter say, “Mom, will you help me with this? Never mind. Phillip figured it out!”

It is so interesting to see the kids’ interests forming when they are so young! I can’t wait to see how they use their individual interests and abilities as they grow into adulthood! I am looking forward to seeing how God uses each of them!


Visual Bible

One of Anna’s favorite movies to watch is the book of Matthew in the Visual Bible. The Visual Bible is word for word from the Bible and shows what verse is being acted out at the bottom of the screen. The actors are really good, too!

Monday the kids wanted to watch a movie and requested watching the book of Matthew because it was their uncle Matthew‘s birthday (Happy Birthday, Matt!) and because Easter was the day before. Amazingly enough, they sat there, mesmerized, and watched the Bible for an hour and a half!! Even Bethany watched bits and pieces!