Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

How Smart is Your Brain?

Since Anna has finished her science book, and we still have 3 or 4 months of school left, we decided to let her choose the topics that interested her most from her book and research them online.

Today’s topic was the eye. We found a really cool site that teaches about how your eye has a blind spot. To compensate for this, your brain automatically fills in what it thinks should be there based on what is surrounding the object in your blind spot.

Go ahead. Check it out. But I suggest not doing it near bedtime. Not only will your brain be mostly sleeping and may not feel up to “filling in,” but (if you can get your brain to work) you might find yourself staying up later than you had intended. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anna’s response to the science lesson: “This is fun!” Cool!

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-02-15

  • Anyone else start shapeupRI today? #
  • I’m SO excited! Based on the pedometer I am wearing today, I am NOT sedentary!! Yes, I have 5 children, and I am still surprised! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • Unfortunately, even though I have plenty to keep me busy, I am only lightly active….. But that’s better than sedentary, right? ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @stretchmarkmama That is hilariously cute! #
  • The UN Rights of the child, which threatens all parents, could be voted in as early as this April! #
  • Please do all you can to stop the UN CRC!! #
  • Never thought I’d say it, but I sure am glad to see the snow thawing! #
  • Just put a badge my hubby created on my web page. Wanna see? #
  • The gov’t gets control of health care too?! #
  • OK. This is COOL!! #
  • Birds!!!! I hear birds!!!! #
  • I can no longer see my breath out in the cold! What a nice day!! #
  • me to 3YO, “You’re arguing again.” Her response, “No, I’m not!” #
  • Hubby just commanded me to tweet. So, here goes…….. tweet. #
  • I love it when my hubby starts posting 1st, but I get done 1st!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @Cullens_Girl Aw!!! Poor boys (and Dani)! #
  • I am SO glad I have God to rely on in these uncertain times. #

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Normal is Back…with Revisions

For several months now I have been wondering when our life would get back to normal. We have had many “interruptions” in our daily schedule, and it has been easy to excuse myself by saying, “well, when things are back to normal everything will be better.” Well, “back to normal” hasn’t happened now since this beginning of the year.

It has finally occurred to me that this life I am living, with all its interruptions, is now “normal.” Now I am beginning to change the way I think and accept my new “normal.”

It is amazing how changingย  your mindset can make such a difference. Now that I have accepted it as a revised normal, I really like my new normal life. It is exciting to know that I have so many things to take care of. I feel that God has blessed me richly!

Shaping Up 2009-02-12

I just began a program in Rhode Island called Shape Up RI. One requirement of this program is to wear a pedometer daily for 12 weeks. Included is a chart telling you how active you are based on your steps. Here is the chart from

Under 5,000 = Sedentary
5,000-7,499 = Low Active
7,500-9,999 = Somewhat Active
10,000-12,500 = Active
Over 12,500 = Highly Active

I have to admit that when I started counting my steps on Monday, I was really afraid that I would be sedentary. I know, it is crazy. I have five kids 9 and under!! Of course, I am not sedentary. But I was still afraid. I set my goal at just 3,000 steps per day because I just knew I was sedentary.

The whole first day, I was constantly checking my pedometer, curious how many I would get that day and trying to guess what the total of the day would be.

Well, I went beyond 3,000, onto 5,000. Yes! Lightly active!!! Then I surprised myself even more and got up to 7,700 that first day!!! Yay!!!! Not sedentary! Nowhere near it.

Because I found myself walking more during the day, even dancing (which counts by the way…I checked) around with the kids, I thought maybe I had cheated that first day, so I took it a little easier on Tuesday. I only got up to 7,500, but hey!!! Not sedentary still!!

Yesterday the weather got up around 60. Since we are supposed to exercise regularly with Shape Up RI, we decided to take a family walk. I hit 12,000 steps that day. We walked again today, and I am between 11,000 and 12,000 so far!

I am SO excited! Not only am I not sedentary, but I am actually somewhere between “somewhat active” and “active!!” Yes, this surprises me even though I am the mom of 5! And I am excited. Maybe I will become “highly active” before the 12 weeks are over. Maybe….. :-/

I wonder if this is a good time to point out that I am not sure I trust the pedometer by itself in deciding how active a person is. Nah! ๐Ÿ˜€

Candice’s Balancing Act

One of Candice’s favorite things is her pacifier. Or maybe I should say some of her favorite things are pacifiers. When she sees several at once, she isn’t quite sure which one to put in her mouth. I guess she is already learning to balance many things. ๐Ÿ™‚

Call for Help

As I mentioned yesterday, there has been talk of trying to get the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child passed in as few as 2 months. I have been racking my brain, trying to think of things I can do to help get the word out about the issue. I am a 10-and-2 representative, but I want to do more. I have to do more.

If you are willing to help, please let me know. Ifย  you know of someone who might be interested in helping, please put them in contact with me. Suggestions of ways to get the word out as quickly as possible are very welcome. Thanks for caring about your country and your freedom as a citizen.

Time to Move!

Okay, friends. This is getting serious! The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child could be passed as early as April – two months from now! It is time to move toward defending our country from those seeking to rob it of its freedom.

Aside from the fact that congress is looking to pass the UN CRC in the next 2 months, here is a list of other reasons this is an urgent situation and needs acted on ASAP. If you would like more information, you canย  learn a bit about the purpose of the parental rights organization and also find a list of 20 facts about this issue. is an organization that values the parent/child relationship. It has just begun a new push to keep our freedoms and rights as Americans. Please sign the petition, and if you are willing to go a step further, become a 10-and-2 volunteer. The lives of your children and grandchildren may depend on it.

I am a 10-and2-volunteer, and I hope you care enough for your country and the generations to come to step out of your comfort zone and speak out for the livlihood of your favorite country, the United States America!

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-02-08

  • learned a very important lesson tonight. Never try to play wrestle 4 children at once! #
  • @Cullens_Girl I think both of your kids have entered a loud age at once. 1YOs and 4YOs both tend to be a bit LOUD! #
  • 8YO got up and started school immediately (her choice) and was done by 10:30! Woo-Hoo!!! #
  • @stretchmarkmama Mine began @ 6, & 2 yrs later 8YO types 20 wpm. Here’s where she started (scroll down?):
  • @stretchmarkmama Oops. Link didn’t tinyurl. May have to scroll down, too. #
  • Oh wow!! I’ve been using this site for years for typing. They do more than typing!!! #
  • @stretchmarkmama I didn’t learn to type until my sophomore year in HS, but I am assuming kids are learning earlier these days! ๐Ÿ˜€ #
  • @stretchmarkmama When they get bored with the BBC site, there is a more advanced program called masterkey (works on a mac). #
  • More on parental rights and CRC: #
  • someone please tell me this is an age related phase. My 6.5YO seems to do everything he possibly can to bother people! Suggestions? #
  • @bradshorr Happy Birthday!! #
  • Is it possible to get the things you don’t have? Kind of like asking if tomorrow ever comes. #
  • @Cullens_Girl How was Dora Live? #

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The 4th has her 3rd

Three years ago today, I gave birth to the biggest baby ever (for me). She was 8 lbs 13 oz. I went completely natural with her and finally gave in and took an epidural. I was full of regrets when she was born one hour later. I could’ve lasted one more hour…really!

This was the year that Bethany discovered the excitement of being the birthday girl. When I called her birthday girl early this morning, her response was, “I am not the birthday girl.” By mid-day, she was saying, “Mom, do you like birthday girls?” Of course, the answer was “yes, especially a little birthday girl named Bethany.”

By bedtime, she was bragging, “I’m the birthday girl.” I am sure that by tomorrow morning, she will be ready to have the “It’s my birthday” celebration all over again! I believe she thoroughly enjoyed the benefits of those two little words “birthday girl!”

Her day began with getting to choose her own breakfast: chicken nuggets. Then she got to open her presents, which included 2 dresses* and a backpack.

We also went to the house of some friends, who dressed her up in princess ballerina wear and paraded her around as the “birthday princess.”

When we got home, she got to ride the bus (which she loves) to the library. We accidentally arrived after they closed, but she did not care. She was thoroughly enjoying that bus ride and one on one time with Mommy.

At home after our library adventure, we ate pizza (a rare treat around our house) and brownies. Then I read a book to her and put her to bed.

I think she had a very exciting day for a 3 year old. I am sure she has high expectations for tomorrow because she has very little concept of time and has no idea that her day is over tomorrow.

I just need to make sure she knows that she is as important to us any day as she is on her birthday!!

* My camera batters died, so I was not able to post a picture. I hope to post one in the next few days.