Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-02-01

  • @stretchmarkmama LOL!! #
  • Said by 2YO: Mom, I can’t get my boogers off! I want you to help me get my boogers off! #
  • It feels awesome to help someone! #
  • @Cullens_Girl LOL! I didn’t even notice I put those 2 tweets side by side! #
  • Crossed Conversations are so much fun sometimes! #
  • I just organized my 1st group on facebook. Come join the group! #
  • @Lorrie58 Cool! Now I have to figure ou thow to approve those who have requested. My husband tried to join & I can’t figure it out. 🙂 #
  • @Lorrie58 I think I got it. You and my hubby are approved! #
  • Got a free ibook yesterday… Actually it is spelled “Eye Book,” and it is written by Dr. Seuss. 😀 #
  • 2YO, “Mom, say ‘bite it.'” Me, “Bite it!” Then I notice she is holding a lollipop. Me, “No, don’t bite it.” What a sneak! 🙂 #
  • My 2YO just dumped 5 or 6 cups of water out of the tub onto the floor. Fortunately, I had just cleared the floors for mopping. #
  • When your 2YO throws water at you, mop the floor with it! #
  • Retweeting @lucatony “Light travels faster than sound This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” #
  • @Cullens_Girl Good luck! I am sure you will enjoy a walk down memory lane! 🙂 #
  • Any one else wonder why Cinderella’s glass slipper didn’t change back like the pumpkin and dress? #
  • @Lorrie58 I’m glad you are okay. #
  • @Lorrie58 Maybe it is b/c the prince touched one of them. It would give the magic away if it suddenly changed in his hand. I dunno. #
  • @stretchmarkmama LOL! Your speech therapist must have a wonderful sense of humor! 🙂 #
  • Our new large (handicap) van is tall enough for someone to jump from our 2nd story window & land safely on it. (No, I haven’t tried it). #
  • @Cullens_Girl Yep! I thought of that! I’ll have to let one of the kids test it out. Kidding! Just kidding! #
  • Oh no! My 2YO is acting like a teenager!! She’s in the “argue no matter what you say” phase. #
  • I just used a sponge mop to shovel the driveway. I don’t recommend it. 😐 #
  • I think the ER is going to know us by name. Taking Candice in for wheezing. 🙁 #
  • I think the ER is going to know us by name. Taking my 12 mo old in for wheezing. 🙁 #
  • The verdict of 12 month old’s ER visit: RSV. Nothing serious but may need nebulizer a few times. #
  • @simpsonsparadox Amen!!!! #
  • I am thrilled with the playpen someone gave me to replace the one I “gave” away. It is the nicest one I’ve ever had!! #
  • I had to share an error in the instructions on the bottom of my playpen. Instructions say, “You should here a click….” Oops! #
  • The Rights of the Child should not be passed and could be dangerous to our children if it is. #
  • While trying to playfully hit hubby, my hand hit the couch & bounced & I ended up hitting myself. That’s me! Grace is my middle name. 🙂 #

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Home Remedy for Ear Infection

About a month ago, Bethany came down with an ear infection. Because I wanted to keep her off antibiotics as long as possible, I started doing a home remedy that I learned from my sister-in-law (who learned it from her chiropractor).

The recipe for this home remedy is really quite simple: 1 part tea tree oil and 2 parts olive oil. You put five drope in the infected ear and leave it in for 2 minutes. Let the oil drain out on a paper towel. Do this 2 to 3 times per day.

The day after starting the tea tree oil, I began having second thoughts about not taking her to the doctor because she was in so much pain, even with tylenol. I had tried the tea tree oil remedy before, but usually I used it along side antibiotics. Never had I used it with no other medical treatment.

By the time I took her to the doctor 2 days after starting the tea tree old treatment, she was barely in pain. She had a slight infection, and I was told to continue using the tea tree oil. (We have an awesome pediatrician by the way).

Antibiotics are strongly discouraged by Hasbro, where I take my children. Of course, they use them if necessary, but they have a strong opinion that the human body will fight infection on its own. And they were right! Between the tea tree oil and and the body’s natural ability to fight infection, Bethany’s ear healed just fine with no antibiotics. The next week, Anna got an infection, and the tea tree oil worked for her, too.

Here are a few links about tea tree oil that you might find interesting:

The Unexpected Note

A few weeks ago after one of our many snow storms, Luke went out on a Sunday morning to shovel the driveway.

Since we were having a fellowship at church, we were taking more stuff to church than usual. Because it is harder to shovel once you have walked on the snow, Luke always shovels and then comes back for any stuff that needs to go to the van.

That particular morning, I decided to be helpful by suggesting to Luke that he take some stuff and leave it just inside the apartment door to save him a trip (and time) later. I thought it was a good idea, and evidently he did too, because he took my suggestion.

While Luke was shoveling, I got a call from the pastor telling us church was canceled. So, we had Sunday school at home and ate lunch, like we have in the past when we’ve been snowed in on a Sunday. Later, on the way down to the basement, I found a note just outside the door that read, “Thanks for the playpen.” Huh? What playpen? Then it dawned on me.

When took the playpen down using the back door on his way to shovel. When he was done shoveling, he came in the front door, but since church was canceled, we never finished loading the van. Guess where we left the playpen? Right outside the downstairs neighbors’ door! Neither one of us had thought to bring it back in! Oops!

I am eventually going to tell you the outcome of this story, but I would like to know your thoughts first. What would you do if you were wearing my shoes? (And please don’t say that you would take a boat ride or hold your nose). 😀

Smores and Beards

We had store bought cake for Candice’s first birthday a few weeks back. When I got home I remembered that Phillip can’t eat cake unless I make it special for him. I know. He’s five. I have been dealing with this allergy for 4 years. Yes, I forgot. 🙁

Anyway, we decided to give him smores instead (with very dark chocolate with no milk). I think the pictures are proof that he thoroughly enjoyed his special treat! By the way, doesn’t he look cute with a mustache and beard?