Monthly Archives: January 2009

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-01-11

  • I don’t have time to read an article on time management!! #
  • Let’s see…my 5YO was vomiting yesterday, & today my 2YO & 6YO are vomiting and my 8YO feels sick…. #
  • In some ways it is easier for all the kids to be sick at once instead of staggering over the course of a week. #
  • @stretchmarkmama LOL!!! in reply to stretchmarkmama #
  • Now 8YO is vomiting, but 2YO is playing almost as usual. #
  • First time in a long time that my 5YO voluntarily played with a doll….it burps. #
  • Want to keep your toddler busy? Stick a piece of tape to one of his/her fingers. πŸ™‚ #
  • Sneezed pretty loudly and scared the pacifier right out of my 1YO’s mouth!! #
  • Hubby is getting sick as we speak, and I am not feeling so great as I hold my vomiting 1YO over the trash can. #
  • Poor 2YO! I can’t make her understand why she can’t eat when she has been throwing up. πŸ™ #
  • My 2YO is finally eating crackers and drinking Gatorade. #
  • Guess I gave in to my 2YO too soon….vomiting again. πŸ™ #
  • @Cullens_Girl The baby’s seemed to only last 3 or 4 hours, so you may not have to worry much. Maybe the breastmilk helped her? in reply to Cullens_Girl #
  • Whole house now smells like Pine Sol. Germs, go away! #
  • @Cullens_Girl Good. You still might want to introduce food and drink very slowly. I thought B was over it until I gave her food. in reply to Cullens_Girl #
  • Just commented on a post! Wanna see? #
  • I commented again – this time on the gov’t & the church. #
  • @lgedeon Um….what’s a head muscle? πŸ˜€ in reply to lgedeon #
  • Just began an argument w/ hubby just for the sake of arguing (with no proof), & he provided the proof for me!! #
  • No church tonight…too many people have the stomach virus…. #
  • My 2YO is pretending to throw up (pronounced “grow up” by her). #
  • Now my 2YO is asking me to take a picture of her pretending to throw up…..I don’t think so! #
  • Round 2 of stomach virus for the 2YO…. πŸ™ #
  • Just gave my 1YO (today) daughter milk for the 1st time. Brother is allergic. Waiting to see if she is too…… #
  • I do believe my daughter shares a birthday with Max Lucado! Pretty cool! #
  • My hubby is temporarily tired of being on the computer! Write it on the calendar!! #
  • @simpsonsparadox He actually just got over it and also just finished a wordpress plugin. There was a gap in “must do nows.” πŸ™‚ in reply to simpsonsparadox #
  • @MaxLucado If today is your birthday, you share it with my daughter who turned 1 today. Happy Birthday!! in reply to MaxLucado #
  • Something must be wrong with me. I just ate cake that had too much frosting! I didn’t think that was possible!!!!! #
  • Hey!! I have a record amount of views on my blog this year!!! Cool!!! πŸ˜€ #
  • Oh no! Regression! Just tried to close a window by clicking on the upper right corner instead of the left. How long have I been using a mac? #
  • My 3 oldest are mesmerized by a demo chess game on the computer! They are watching it like TV!! #
  • @lgedeon I don’t smell THAT bad, do I? in reply to lgedeon #
  • My 2YO just climbed a taller than average gate. I have trouble getting over it!! #
  • Commented on customer service. #
  • Playing chess with my hubby. He has 7 pieces on the board. I have….um….one. Think there’s a chance of a stale mate? 😐 #
  • Hubby beat me at chess as expected. I expected it from the beginning but since he made a big mistake at 1st, I had a bit of hope. Oh well! #
  • @crossmark LOL!! I bet @stretchmarkmama is thrilled!! Not about the woman part, but the helping out, unless of course, it was her chocolate. in reply to crossmark #
  • Isn’t it interesting when you have been taught a concept for years and only completely “get it” when you are teaching it to someone else? #
  • Want to promote your blog and have fun reminiscing at the same time? #
  • @lgedeon I knew that, but I didn’t get it completely until I did it. πŸ˜€ in reply to lgedeon #
  • Finally ready for more of that super sweet birthday cake!! #
  • Just wrote on my chin with a permanent marker. That’s why my name means grace!! :- #
  • Decided to do some major cleaning/organnizing today. What did I accomplish? Underneath one bed. Hmmmmm. This could take a while!! #
  • @lgedeon What?! You shaved?! Now I wrote on myself for nothing! Why don’t you write on your chin, too, so we’ll still match? in reply to lgedeon #
  • @Cullens_Girl Oh no!!! Is he still sick? Or maybe sick again?! in reply to Cullens_Girl #

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Gedeon Chess Club

The game of choice around our house recently is chess. It’s really a bit surprising, considering our oldest child is only 8. Of course, they are not that great at the game, but Peter and Phillip have played it so much using the computer hints that they know how each piece can move!

Phillip seems to have the most interest, but that makes sense since he seems to think like a chess player. Peter is also interested though, as was proven by the fact that he was leaning over my shoulder today pointing out moves that I hadn’t seen yet! Talk about humility!

Although it is a big humbling, it is also exciting to a person who has never won a game of chess! I even turned the game around to suicide chess, where the object of the game is to lose all your pieces. I couldn’t even do that! But hey, at least now I can tell everyone that I can’t lose a game of chess!

Maybe there is some hope for our kids, since they are getting a young start! Meanwhile I will sit back and try not to choke on my pride as our boys learn faster than I do.

A Snowman With Personality

During our last snowfall, the kids and I built a snowman together. I rolled the bottom ball, Anna rolled the middle one, and Peter rolled the head. Phillip busied himself dusting snow off the van (not sure why, but he was more interested in that than the snowman).

Luke agreed to help stack the three balls, so as soon as we got the balls as big as they needed to be, I came in to let Luke know we were ready. He took a glance outside and said, “That’s not big enough. Make it as big as you can manage, so I did.

Now that snowman may not look very big to you in the pictures, but I tell you, rolling that ball was no easy feat! It got so big that I was literally laying across it, pushing with my feet and hoping it didn’t roll the wrong way and dump me on the ground! Then I noticed that I had to move it about 5 feet over to where we were planning to have the snowman stand. Of course, inΒ  a foot of snow, it grew quite a bit in that distance. Talk about some exercise as I used my whole body to roll the huge snowball across our driveway, wondering with each push if it was going to budge. It was fun, though!

I helped Anna make the middle ball bigger because the size ratio for her was about the same as for me with the bigger one. We had very little trouble working together. And I had no trouble at all making Peter’s head bigger. Unfortunately I dropped it and broke it twice before I was done. So, I guess you could say Peter’s head was a remake. πŸ˜€

After Luke helped put Mr. Snowman together, he was taller than me and almost as tall as Luke. And best of all, he seemed to have a bit of personality. He had a bright smile* and rosey cheeks that just brought life to him! He also seemed to be leaning comfortably to the side as if to say, “Aren’t I cool?” And he really was….until he melted.

But never fear, the snow is falling again as I type, and you never know. Mr. Snowman might just return with all his coolness and give us another bright, crooked, frozen smile!

*If you are wondering, Mr. Snowman had jelly bean eyes, a carrot nose, a gummy worm mouth, skittle buttons, and broken sponge mop arms. And he didn’t complain a bit about having broken arms!

Candice’s 1st Ponytail

We celebrated Candice’s first birthday yesterday. Unfortunately I am not ready to post pictures of the actual celebration because I want to do a little video editing (hopefully with my hubby’s help).

Instead I will post pictures of Candice wearing her first ponytail and also ones of her wearing a barrette. I personally think the barrette looks better than the ponytail. Which do you like better?

Let’s Get Rid of Them!

Today Anna, Peter, and I had dentist appointments. This meant that Phillip, who loves games, was going to be left at home with no one old enough to play games with. Luke was trying to make him feel better, and this is the conversation that occurred between my two jokesters.

Luke: We’re gonna get rid of them. Doesn’t that sound fun?

Phillip: No, that doesn’t sound fun……..because they will come back.

Ten Inches Shorter

Anna has alway liked her long hair. As a matter of fact, when I have trimmed it in the past, she has begged me not to cut too much off. A little over a year ago, we learned about Locks of Love when two of her friends decided to donate their hair.

Ever since, Anna has been taking special care of her hair in order to donate to a little girl who needs it. Evidently helping another little girl was enough to convince my sweet 8 year old to cut her hair and actually be excited about it! We have no idea which little girl will get it, and have no way of finding out, but we know that some little girl somewhere will be wearing Anna’s beautiful blonde hair eventually.

If you are interested in donating to Locks of Love, read the guidelines or watch a video. If you would like to help but do not have 10 inches of hair to donate, there is also an option to give a monetary donation or sponsor an event.

Here are some pictures of Anna before and after the cut:

Winter Wonderland

Over Christmas I saw a foot of snow for the first time in my life. I know, I know. You are thinking, “Only a foot?!” Well, now it becomes quite obvious that I am a southern girl living in a northern state.

Anyway, because I had never seen that much snow at once, I took plenty of pictures. Humor me here, and try not to laugh too hard at my awe over a foot of snow. Just enjoy the pictures, okay? πŸ™‚

The Empty Pot – A Book Review

In our effort to become more familiar with China and its culture, we have begun to check out children’s books about it at the library.Β  Some of my favorites have been by an author who signs her name on her books simply as Demi. To give you a preview, I will tell you about one of her books called The Empty Pot.

A little boy named Ping has a green thumb and is able to make anything grow. The emperor has no heir, and because he also loves flowers, he uses them to choose the future emperor. Every child who is interested is given a seed and is told to go home, plant it, and come back in one year to show their plant to the emporer.

Although Ping is a wonderful gardner, he is not able to make the seed grow. When the time comes to take his plant to the emperor, he is stopped by several young friends who want to show off their beautiful flowers. Ping sadly takes his empty pot to show to the emperor.

As it turns out the emperor had cooked the seeds to keep them from growing. Ping’s honesty made him stand out and be chosen as next emperor!

What an awesomeΒ  story about the rewards of honesty!

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-01-04

  • 2YO is in bed now (just 2 hours later…not bad), and hubby and I are about to follow…. #
  • G’nite….zzzzzzzzzzzzz #
  • My 2YO has learned the sing song “ha ha ha ha ha!” #
  • Doing the after-holiday clean up…. #
  • My 5YO & 6YO boys have agreed to help me with dishes, so they can go outside on this 50 degree day! #
  • Oh wow. It is supposed to be -7 degrees tomorrow evening! Brrrrrrr!!!!! #
  • I think I’m iron on the outside and glass on the inside…. #

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Xmas = Christmas

When I was growing up, I heard many people saying that shortening “Christmas” to “Xmas” was wrong because it took the Christ out of Christmas. Of course, I never ever referred to it as “Xmas” after that.

Now that I am older and and have taken Koine Greek for two years, I am able to say with satisfaction that Xmas does not take the Christ out of Christmas

In Greek the symbal for the “ch”Β  sound is “chi,” which happens to look like an “x.” The Greek word for Christ is “Xristos,” which sounds like “Christos.” So technically the shortened “Xmas” does not take the Christ out of Christmas.