Category Archives: Kids

A New Interest Emerges

Anna has opened an etsy account this week to raise money for the Caring for China Center. So far she has posted two items and will soon post a third. On each item she has to write a description. I have been very impressed with her written description. Why don’t you take a peek at her page? Click on the item to see her description.

Her best writing, though, has not yet been posted. The only help she had on this was to read a few descriptions written by others. These words describe two stars she made.

Just as it gets dark the stars come out. They stand out beside the moon, twinkling in the sky. They shine all night, then when morning comes they hide in the light of the bright bright sun.

Who knows! Maybe we have a writer in the making! Of course, we love her regardless of what she chooses to do!

Halfway to Adulthood

Anna turned nine last month! I can’t believe she is already half-way to adulthood!! In some ways it is cool, but I am not ready for her to be grown yet! I mean, I could be a grandmother in another 10 years or so!! Huh?!? Me?!?

Anyway, here are some pictures of my half grown daughter.

Early Bird Blues

All of my children have been early birds at an early age, but most of them started sleeping in as they got older. Peter has always been an early bird and probably always will be.

Family night is a time when it is unfortunate to be an early bird. Peter is always the first one to wear out, but he tries so hard to stay awake so as not to miss anything. This particular family night he did not quite make it.



Hats On To My Girls

Someone gave us a few summer hats, and the girls in the family enjoyed a photo shoot with them. Can you tell we had fun?

Proven Right

While playing online math tic tac toe, Phillip was showing me that if he clicked on the answer box, it would pull down a list of numbers to choose from. I immediately saw that it was only a list of numbers that had been typed before, and the number he was looking for (5) was not there.

I typed in “5” for him and left it for him to click enter. He said, “Mom, I could have picked from the box.” I said, “It wasn’t there.” Wanting to see for himself, he deleted the answer I had typed and pulled up the box to choose from. Sure enough there was the number 5 right at the bottom. He clicked it and said, “See?” 😀

Seeing Double

One morning last week, Peter woke up and went to the kitchen. When he came back to my room, he was holding a bananas. When I looked at it, it looked like two bananas; then when I looked at it again, it looked like one. Was I seeing double after just waking up?

Actually we had found what I have named “Siamese bananas” It was 2 bananas joined together. When peter asked if he could eat it, I told him he could eventually, but not before I got pictures. 🙂

After I took pictures, I opened the banana for Peter to eat. Inside we found a regular size banana and a smaller bananas in one really big peel! So, he did what any nice 6YO boy would do and gave his brother the smaller banana!