Category Archives: Kids

Online Subject Ideas

As a techy(?) homeschooling mom, I am always looking for online ideas that will make learning fun for my children (and for me). I came across 2 cool sites today, thanks to an online friend and fellow homeschooler, Stretch Mark Mama.

Also, here are a few more sites that I use regularly:

How Smart is Your Brain?

Since Anna has finished her science book, and we still have 3 or 4 months of school left, we decided to let her choose the topics that interested her most from her book and research them online.

Today’s topic was the eye. We found a really cool site that teaches about how your eye has a blind spot. To compensate for this, your brain automatically fills in what it thinks should be there based on what is surrounding the object in your blind spot.

Go ahead. Check it out. But I suggest not doing it near bedtime. Not only will your brain be mostly sleeping and may not feel up to “filling in,” but (if you can get your brain to work) you might find yourself staying up later than you had intended. 🙂 Anna’s response to the science lesson: “This is fun!” Cool!

Candice’s Balancing Act

One of Candice’s favorite things is her pacifier. Or maybe I should say some of her favorite things are pacifiers. When she sees several at once, she isn’t quite sure which one to put in her mouth. I guess she is already learning to balance many things. 🙂

The 4th has her 3rd

Three years ago today, I gave birth to the biggest baby ever (for me). She was 8 lbs 13 oz. I went completely natural with her and finally gave in and took an epidural. I was full of regrets when she was born one hour later. I could’ve lasted one more hour…really!

This was the year that Bethany discovered the excitement of being the birthday girl. When I called her birthday girl early this morning, her response was, “I am not the birthday girl.” By mid-day, she was saying, “Mom, do you like birthday girls?” Of course, the answer was “yes, especially a little birthday girl named Bethany.”

By bedtime, she was bragging, “I’m the birthday girl.” I am sure that by tomorrow morning, she will be ready to have the “It’s my birthday” celebration all over again! I believe she thoroughly enjoyed the benefits of those two little words “birthday girl!”

Her day began with getting to choose her own breakfast: chicken nuggets. Then she got to open her presents, which included 2 dresses* and a backpack.

We also went to the house of some friends, who dressed her up in princess ballerina wear and paraded her around as the “birthday princess.”

When we got home, she got to ride the bus (which she loves) to the library. We accidentally arrived after they closed, but she did not care. She was thoroughly enjoying that bus ride and one on one time with Mommy.

At home after our library adventure, we ate pizza (a rare treat around our house) and brownies. Then I read a book to her and put her to bed.

I think she had a very exciting day for a 3 year old. I am sure she has high expectations for tomorrow because she has very little concept of time and has no idea that her day is over tomorrow.

I just need to make sure she knows that she is as important to us any day as she is on her birthday!!

* My camera batters died, so I was not able to post a picture. I hope to post one in the next few days.

Home Remedy for Ear Infection

About a month ago, Bethany came down with an ear infection. Because I wanted to keep her off antibiotics as long as possible, I started doing a home remedy that I learned from my sister-in-law (who learned it from her chiropractor).

The recipe for this home remedy is really quite simple: 1 part tea tree oil and 2 parts olive oil. You put five drope in the infected ear and leave it in for 2 minutes. Let the oil drain out on a paper towel. Do this 2 to 3 times per day.

The day after starting the tea tree oil, I began having second thoughts about not taking her to the doctor because she was in so much pain, even with tylenol. I had tried the tea tree oil remedy before, but usually I used it along side antibiotics. Never had I used it with no other medical treatment.

By the time I took her to the doctor 2 days after starting the tea tree old treatment, she was barely in pain. She had a slight infection, and I was told to continue using the tea tree oil. (We have an awesome pediatrician by the way).

Antibiotics are strongly discouraged by Hasbro, where I take my children. Of course, they use them if necessary, but they have a strong opinion that the human body will fight infection on its own. And they were right! Between the tea tree oil and and the body’s natural ability to fight infection, Bethany’s ear healed just fine with no antibiotics. The next week, Anna got an infection, and the tea tree oil worked for her, too.

Here are a few links about tea tree oil that you might find interesting:

Smores and Beards

We had store bought cake for Candice’s first birthday a few weeks back. When I got home I remembered that Phillip can’t eat cake unless I make it special for him. I know. He’s five. I have been dealing with this allergy for 4 years. Yes, I forgot. 🙁

Anyway, we decided to give him smores instead (with very dark chocolate with no milk). I think the pictures are proof that he thoroughly enjoyed his special treat! By the way, doesn’t he look cute with a mustache and beard?


Candice seems to enjoy peek-a-boo more than any of our kids did at that age. Here are a few pictures I took of her playing peek-a-boo with her birthday card.