Category Archives: Kids

Training Pants or Panting Train?

Phillip is finally potty trained!!!! At least during the day. He only has an accident about once or twice per week!! That is wonderful progress!! Yahoo!!!!!

Anyway, today he came to me with his pants around his ankles to excitedly announce that he had successfully made it to the potty. As he was walking back to the bathroom, he kicked a balloon that was laying on the floor. But because his pants were holding his ankles together like train cars, both feet went up in the air, and he had an unexpected crash with the floor!!

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Am I Breathing?

Ph: Mom, am I breathing?

Me: uummm…..yes.

Ph: OK. I guess I need a breathing treatment.

Makes sense. Whenever you are coughing, you get cough medicine. So I guess Phillip figured that whenever he breathes, he needs a breathing treatment.

Phillip has azthma and seems to thoroughly enjoy the attention he gets from it. Sometimes he gets to be cuddled in Mom or Dad’s lap or, at the very least, he gets to stay up later than the other kids. I think maybe he misses being the baby of the family. Sometimes he gets creative in trying to get medicine or breathing treatments – like breathing just to get a breathing treatment!! 🙂

Blogged with Flock

One More Birthday

While backing out of a space at our apartment complex yesterday, we got pretty close to another car. Peter yelled out, “Hit it, Dad!” Luke said, “If we hit that car, we won’t be able to eat for 2 years because we’ll be paying for the car.” AM was talking about how long that would be to go without food until Luke reminded her that you can only live about a month without food. AM then asked, “Dad, does my birthday come before a month is over?” When she found out that it would, she said, “Good, At least I’ll be 7 before I die!!” Talk about goals in life!!!

Blogged with Flock

Sly Little Peter

Here is a typical conversation with Peter after he asks me a question and the answer is no.

P: Mom, can I have a cookie?

M: No.

P: Mom, did you say no?

M: yes.

P: You said yes?!

M: no

P: Did you say no?

M: yes

P: You said yes?!

M: no
And around and around we go. I have begun to guide the conversation this way:

P: Mom, can I have a cookie?

M: no

P: Did you say no.

M: I said you cannot have a cookie.

That works for now anyway. Who knows what he’ll come up with next.


As I type, AM and P are splashing around in water outside. But not in a pool! Uncle N put plastic in the back of his truck and filled it up with water. So they are swimming in a truck pool!! Isn’t uncle N creative? I must admit that never in my life have I ever imagined my children swimming in the back of a truck!!! But there they are splashing around and having a blast!!!

Stay tuned to hear of their bungee jumping from the chimney!! Just kidding!! But they might really be able to swing like Tarzan. The vines are already provided (hanging out our chimney)! 🙂

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A Time to Scream

We went roller blading this evening and thoroughly enjoyed it! The weather was perfect!! As we were skating back on the track at dusk, I decided to skate beside AM and talk to her instead of having her skate halfway between L and me. As we were skating along, I noticed a stick on the path and decided to try kicking it with my skate. This was very exciting for me because I figured I would fall flat on my backside, but I didn’t. I kept skating, quite proud of myself (even though I totally missed the stick).

As I turned back from seeing if I had hit the stick, AM screamed. I was really wondering why my kicking a stick was such a big deal!! Then I looked down and was suddenly glad that I had skated with AM!! I was looking into the face of a snake (do snakes have faces?). It has its head raised and its teeth bared, ready for attack if necessary. I guess it was not very happy about me kicking a stick that was ONLY ABOUT A FOOT AWAY from it!! I had not seen it because I was focused on the stick, so I had already skated past the snake (very close to it, I might add – I’m glad I didn’t fall on it!). I was also quite impressed at how fast AM stopped without falling down (she was close enough that if she had fallen, she might have been bitten).

The snake was now between AM and me, so I sent AM back toward L. N, who was skating with us today, took a stick and kind of guided it off the path. He did not know what kind it was (the snake, not the stick!!). Afterwards, AM was very careful and kept her eyes open (she was even watchful in the yard after we got home).

We have been talking to AM about screaming about small stuff! Needless to say, I did not lecture her on screaming this particular day. I actually told her that she had good reason for it. It might have been better if she actually yelled “snake!!” so we would know what was wrong, but this was her first time to see a snake other than in a cage at the zoo. I’m not sure I would have done more than scream and I’ve seen snakes before!! (of course we’re both girls, and girls tend to scream a lot 🙂

It is interesting to note that AM was concerned that the snake would slither over to her and bite her. I said, “Oh, don’t worry; snakes can’t move that fast.” When the snake got off the paved path and into the grass, I saw how wrong I was! I couldn’t believe how fast it went!! It was practically hopping! I guess AM and I both got our snake lesson for the day! Hopefully we won’t have another for quite a while!

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Mom vs. Dad

Phillip must be in that stage of toddlerhood when he favors his dad. He begs to go when Daddy leaves, but when Mommy leaves, he is content to blow kisses from the front door as I drive away (I must admit that this is kind of a blessing)! Also, for several days in a row, sometimes more than one time each day he has declared that, “Daddy is good and Mommy is bad.” I must admit that this is hard to hear (even though I know he does not mean it), but I just brush it off and say “Daddy and Mommy are both good.” If he makes the same declaration a second time, I just change the subject!! I know that this is just a phase (I hope?) and will soon pass! At least I still get those precious kisses thrown at me from the door!!

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The Diaper Mystery

I left B in the nursery at church for the first time Sunday. When I got her home, I was a little boggled because her diaper looked different. Then I discovered why!! It was on backwards!! I mean with the nice colorful panel and the tabs in the back! The only way it could have been put on her that way is if she was laying on her stomach!! It must have been purposefully put on her backwards. I will have to ask the nursery workers about this mystery!