Category Archives: Funny

One More Birthday

While backing out of a space at our apartment complex yesterday, we got pretty close to another car. Peter yelled out, “Hit it, Dad!” Luke said, “If we hit that car, we won’t be able to eat for 2 years because we’ll be paying for the car.” AM was talking about how long that would be to go without food until Luke reminded her that you can only live about a month without food. AM then asked, “Dad, does my birthday come before a month is over?” When she found out that it would, she said, “Good, At least I’ll be 7 before I die!!” Talk about goals in life!!!

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Burning Incense

Since moving up north where temperatures are a little lower than we are used to, we have made it part of our routine to drink hot tea every evening. Last night, I put the water on to boil and sat down to talk to Luke. After a few minutes, Luke’s eyes got really big as he looked at the stove, and he said, “Get it!” I looked over to see smoke streaming up where a bottle of cinnamon was too close to the burner, and the plastic container was melting. I grabbed the cinnamon container a little too quickly, and spilled cinnamon on the burner, which caught on fire (just a small fire :). We caught it before it did anything harmful, and thinking back on it, it was quite humorous.

We were told before we moved into this apartment that if the smoke alarm went off, the fire department would get an immediate signal to come. There wasn’t much smoke at all, but we didn’t want to risk it. So we were scurrying around opening windows and turning on the fan over the stove. We ended up needing the tea even more than we thought, since we got to drink it with a breeze blowing through the house. We also got to drink it while enjoying the smell of cinnamon incense. It smelled absolutely delicious.

Let me give you a tip, though. If you want to enjoy the experience of burning incense while sitting down to a nice cup of hot tea, don’t try it the way we did, OK?

The Auditory Washer

Today AM asked me if a favorite shirt was clean, and I responded with, “It is being washed as we speak.” A few minutes later AM said,”So it will be clean when we stop talking?” I totally didn’t get it and said, “No, it will be clean when the washer stops.” She said, “But you said it would be clean when we were done talking.” I said, “No, I said….” Then it clicked. I had said that the shirt was being washed “as we speak”, which to her meant that when we stopped speaking it would be clean. Isn’t the English language so confusing? Especially for a 6 year old!!

Headless trucks

Yesterday, when I arrived to pick L up from work, AM had an interesting question. She said, “Mommy, why do those trucks stick their heads in a hole?” She had me completely boggled until I looked over at the warehouse where many large trucks had backed up to drop off a load. They had detached the truck fronts from the trailors, so to young eyes, it looked like they had pulled their fronts up into the building! It was really weird to get this new perspective on it. If I didn’t know any better, I might have thought the same thing!

Interesting how what we know in our minds sometimes keeps us from seeing things from a different perspective. Anyway, I explained to her what had happened and told her she would have to watch a truck back up and detach sometime. She probably will not fully understand until she sees it for herself. Maybe I’ll try to draw her a picture to illustrate. Nah! She won’t be able to tell what the picture is of! She would probably re-draw my picture and make it look better!! Oh well! Maybe I’ll try drawing it anyway. Her ability to draw it better might be good for me!

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Peter’s Ponderings

That title sounds like a daily newspaper heading or something! Anyway, it’s been a while since I put anything on here!! That can be due to the fact that I was working on my last projects and finals, and now I’M DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!!!

Okay, back to the title. P seems to be at that age where cute things just come out of his mouth. Here are two of his recent ponderings:

As we were leaving K-Mart on Wednesday, we stopped at the door to put our coats on. When we were about done P stepped on the door pad, which opened the door. He stood there a minute without moving, so the door began to close. P said, “No, door, no!! Don’t close” I then stepped on the automatic pad, the door opened, and we walked through. We weren’t quite out of the doorway when P called back, “Thank you, door!”

As we were riding in the car that same day, AM was asking P if she could play with a toy Peter was playing with. He refused every time she asked (which was about every 3 seconds). So I suggested to AM that she stop asking him for awhile. When she asked why, I said “Because if you give him a little time, he might change his mind.” She seemed satisfied with that answer, but it was obvious that Peter was not when he said, “NO!! I want to keep my mind!”

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Nose digging

More cuteness from my 3 year old. He has a cold and had a crusty nose (I know it’s gross – and I don’t mean big) I knew he was a little uncomfortable as I cleaned it with tissue. Wouldn’t you be if someone else was cleaning your nose? I guess he was more uncomfortable than I thought because he said, “Mommy, that was my teeth!” Evidently he thought I was digging deep!!

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Where’s the baby?

On Thanksgiving Day, we went to visit my sister-in-law and family. She just bought a new baby monitor and had it on top of her TV. When the baby started crying through the monitor, P looked around the room, trying to find the baby. Then his eyes rested on the TV, and his looked changed from one of curiousity to one of concern. He looked around at everybody in the room and said, “Is the baby in the TV?” I took a few minutes to explain to him how a baby monitor works, and his look of concern eased. I’m not sure he was completely at ease until he saw his satisfied little cousin, who now had a full tummy!! The innocence of a 3 year old!!

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