Category Archives: Funny

Arm & Hammer

Today I was inspired to go back to my old detergent after trying a different brand. I guess store brand doesn’t always cut it! I even wrote words to a song based on the song Rubber Duckie. Go ahead! Open the song in a new tab and listen to the tune for Rubber Duckie while singing the words to my song!

Arm & Hammer, you’re the one.
Even though you are no fun,
There’s no doubt; I know it’s true.

Arm & Hammer, you clean my toys,
You get the clothes clean, even the boys’,
Arm & Hammer, I’m so glad I have you.

Every time when I
put my clothes in the wash tubby
And sometimes even my shoes
They come out no longer grubby.

Other detergents aren’t worth a dime
They do not clean half the time
They are not nearly as good as you.

Every time when I
put my clothes in the wash tubby
And sometimes even my shoes
They come out no longer grubby.

Arm & Hammer, you’re so fine
As for favorites, you are mine
Arm & Hammer, I’m glad you have stayed-
Arm & Hammer, I glad you don’t fade-
Arm & Hammer, I’m glad you have stayed true.


A silly conversation between Luke and me:

L: It’s silliness.

T: It’s not silliness.

L: Did I say it’s silliness?! It’s silliness!

T: Okay. It’s silliness. Whatever you say….it’s silliness.

L: Okay. I’ll shut up now…..

Sports and Computer Games

This morning Peter was telling Luke and me about how he wanted to play every type of sport there is including football, baseball, and golf. Then he said, “And I’ll leave my wife home to take care of the kids.”

Yesterday, when I walked into the boys’ room, they were playing a computer game called Deimos Rising. It didn’t take me long to discover that they weren’t actually playing. They were watching the demo and pushing buttons to pretend they were playing. When asked why they didn’t play the game, they responded with, “We can get farther this way.”

Anna’s New Word

Language has been a big topic during the last several months because we have been trying to learn Chinese. Tonight at supper, our conversation went like this:

Anna: Mom, do you know what Maltome-el means?

Me: No. What.

Anna: it means ‘more’

Me: Where did you learn that one?

Anna: I see it all the time on the cereal bag. It says, “Maltome-el means more.”

This is where I couldn’t help but smile. She was talking about Malt-O-Meal cereal, which indeed advertises on the bag “Malt-O-Meal means more.”

Scary Bathrooms

Did you ever wonder how no-touch technology comes across to two year olds? Think about it. At home, they flush the potty themselves, they at least see the water turned on by an adult, and the hand dryers are something they don’t see at all (especially if mom or dad prefers paper towels over dryers)!

Then they walk into the bathroom at a store and feel like they’re in the twilight zone. The toilet noisily swallows anything that comes near it (or at least attempts to). The sink spits on anything that dares to move in front of it. The hand dryer blows hot air out its snout when someone walks underneath it (two year olds do walk under them, you know). They probably come out of the bathroom expecting the water fountain to stick out its leg to trip them!!

And we wonder why two year olds throw temper tantrums!! 🙂

Respiratory Synctial Virus

Well, it is the time of year for Respiratory Synctial Virus, more commonly known as RSV. The symptoms in an adult are similar to a cold, but are viral instead of bacterial. RSV can be quite serious in a young baby 6 weeks old and younger, especially preemies.

RSV is probably the bug that has been going around our church, but we probably would not have known it if Candice had not tested positive for it. I took her to the emergency room early (and I do mean early) this morning for holding her breath, and they admitted her to watch her.

Candice had very mild symptoms that did not get serious at all. But because RSV affects the airways, which happen to be quite small in an infant, and because she was holding her breath, the doctor wanted to keep her for monitoring. She is home now and still sick but seems to be taking the virus in stride.

On another note, the hospital had these nifty Purell dispensers that automatically spray hand sanitizer in your hand when you hold it under the dispenser. They are so neat…until you sit in a chair that happens to be right underneath a dispenser! Hand sanitizer instantly becomes hair sanitizer!:)

Which is Right?

While playing Twister tonight, Luke was explaining to Peter how to tell his left foot from his right foot. Luke said, “Peter, which hand do you write with?” After Peter figured this out, I told him to put the foot he doesn’t write with on the blue dot. Somehow this advice still left him confused! 🙂

Short Term Toy

The other day Anna found a zip tie on the floor at Wal-Mart and picked it up to play with. (Funny how such simple things are fun to play with when nothing else is available).

Toward the end of the shopping trip, I pushed the cart and jerked Anna with it. I looked at her a little baffled only to see her embarrassed look as she pointed out that she had zip-tied her belt loop to the shopping cart. I couldn’t help laughing, and she took it well and laughed along.

I had absolutely nothing to use to set her free, but there happened to be a friendly-looking employee close by. I kindly asked him if he has scissors or a knife, and he apologetically shook his head. After pointing out our situation, he remembered his box opener and set her free. We had a good laugh over it, and I think Anna was quite relieved not to have to walk across the store tied very tightly to the shopping cart!

Harvest Party 2007

Last Sunday, our church got together for a harvest party. We had a cookout, roasted marshmallows, a pinata, and pie baking contest. One very exciting thing is that I WON THE PIE BAKING CONTEST (thanks Mom & Rebekah for the recipe), and my friend Christy got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places! Go Christy!!

There were 2 pinatas. Anna was in the older group, and Peter, Phillip, and Bethany were in the younger group. I didn’t figure Bethany would get much candy, but I gave her a bag anyway. I was shocked to see her picking it up by the hand full! It was so funny! She got more candy than the boys did!!

At one point I walked in the kitchen to find our pastor’s 11 year old daughter standing in the kitchen licking a mounded plate of whipped cream. Luke walked up and said, “I’ve wanted to do this to someone all my life,” and hit the bottom of the plate right into her face. She laughed and turned bright red. It was hilarious! By the way, this is the same girl Anna partnered with in a 3 legged race at the party. They made an interesting pair because there is about a foot and a half difference in their heights. Amazingly, they won! Anna tells me they practiced by walking around the house together. 🙂

We had fun at the Harvest party and came home with fuller stomachs than we probably should have! Wish you could have been there!! If you weren’t there, take a look at some pictures.

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