Category Archives: Daily Life

In the Meantime

When my brother was in kindergarten, he went through a phase of being mean right after school. When I asked him why he was being so mean, he said, “because it is in the mean time.”

I am not sure where he got the idea that after school was the meantime, but I am guessing someone happened to use that phrase at that time of day. Since becoming a mother, I have realized that he wasn’t far off the mark.

For some reason, everything seems to go chaotic at my house around 5 pm each day. It is that time of day when I am trying to get supper on the table while trying to manage 5 children who seem to have an abundance of energy all of the sudden. You never know what will get added on top of that. Here is what happened “in the meantime” today.

Just before supper three kids decided to get themselves water. After two of them dropped their whole cup on the floor and another left a little yellow puddle at her feet, I decided to mop the floor. About the time I got the mop out, another cup of water hid the floor. Needless to say our floor was pretty wet.

When I was about half done mopping, I went to ask a question of my mom and sister, who were on the porch. When I was done, the dog decided to come in with me. Right after coming in I did a double take at the dog and found myself saying, “no, not on the floor!” It was at this time that I yelled across the house, “If anyone else wants to pee or spill water on the floor, now is the time!”

Of course, no one was in the room with me and could not see my face, so I stuck my head out the door so they could see my smile. At least I was still smiling, right?

I am curious. Do any of you experience that time each day when you find it very difficult to keep your cool? If so, how do you handle it? Take a minute to share.

Routine Diet

Well, it is that time again. I need to work on losing weight….again! I have been working on it off and on this year, but now is the time to get serious! Wanna know my diet plan? It is very much linked to routine.

When I lost 30 pounds a few years ago, I lost it by having a routine. We had 3 small meals and 2 large snacks each day. It was basically 5 meals per day. Sound easy and too good to be true? Well, that isn’t all there is to it.

Here’s the catch. In order for it to work, you should cut your normal 3 meals in half. Only serve yourself half of what you normally would. This is usually pretty easy when you realize that you can eat again in about 2 hours. Your 2 snacks should be fruit and veggies only (no exceptions). After you have cut your meal in half, you may find as  your stomach shrinks back to its normal size, that you can cut your portions even smaller!

On this diet, I usually lose more than 2 pounds the first week, but after the first week or two, it dwindles back to 1-2 pounds a week, which is healthy.

Here are a few other tips that might help:

  • chew your food thoroughly
  • drink (4-6 oz.) juice twice a day (especially if you have a sweet tooth)
  • drink plenty of water
  • don’t berate yourself if you feel overweight or mess up
  • keep an overall positive attitude about life in general

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-03-22

  • B/t 2 adults and 7 children, we just polished off 5-6 apples, 3 bananas, and 3 oranges! #
  • There is nothing quite like sitting down after a long day on your feet! #
  • Ever see a dog chase his tail? It is hilarious! #
  • @lgedeon Aren’t they always blushing? But since I have never seen a flamingo, I can’t say that I’ve seen one blushing! #
  • @D_huck Cool! I get to be your first follower!! #

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A Full Load

This has been a week of full loads. As I type I have a full load in the washer and a full load waiting to be folded. That is more than usual, but I have a really good reason for it this week moreso than others because we also have a full house.

You see, our good friends are celebrating their 10th anniversary this year and decided to go on a Caribbean cruise as part of their celebration. We happily agreed to babysit their four children while they were gone.

So, for a little over a week, we are responsible for 9 children. And you know what? I am absolutely loving it!

One of the coolest parts is that we just got a 15 passenger van to get our family around with room to fit anyone else who might need a ride to church. Because of our extra 4 passengers tonight, we had a full load in our van for the first time ever!

It is a good thing I am enjoying all this excitement, too, because I have a feeling God has a lot of excitement in store for me in the near future. I’m not sure what, but I believe He has called me to a very busy life. That is, um, aside from the already busy life I lead with 5 children! But like I said, I’m loving it!

Return of the Bug

Well, the yucky stomach virus is visiting yet again. I keep trying to explain to him that he is not welcome here, but I am not sure he speaks English. Even if he did, I am not sure he could make sense out of the words coming out of my mouh. I am falling asleep while typing. Good night!

Dinner With The President

Luke and I had a very exciting evening tonight. I didn’t know when we went to the China Care Brown benefit dinner that we would get to sit next to the president. She seemed really nice, and someone there said that she was the most popular president in America, but I think he might have been a bit biased. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am talking about the president of Brown University, Ruth Simmons.

It was a really nice dinner, and you’ll never guess what we had! Chinese food! Surprised? 🙂

The benefit dinner was to raise funds to help build orphanages and pay for surgeries for the orphans. Many of the children have cleft lip/palate, or other “difficulties” that keep anyone from wanting to adopt them. A relatively inexpensive surgery will change these kids lives for the better.

You can find out more about China Care Brown at

Tea Party Revisited

Today I learned about a tea party inspired by the Boston tea party. It is called the New American Tea party. Basically the idea is to send a tea bag to several different representatives on April 1. This will ensure that the tea bag is received by April 15, the day of the tea party.

Wondering why anyone would send a tea bag to their representatives? The idea is to let the government “hear” from those who are against the stimulus package and too much government intervention.

Are you willing to send a tea bag to your representatives for this cause? Why or why not? I am genuinely curious.

Please send this to your local representatives and also to:

Nancy Pelosi
Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington DC 20515

Senator Harry Reid
Washington DC 20510

Barack Hussein Obama
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-03-08

  • Went to bed in the not so wee hours of the morning the last 2 nights! I am so ready to call it a day…after my tea! #
  • Up with a 6YO with croup. First experience for me. #
  • @crossmark LOL!! #
  • RT: I wonder why cats and dogs aren’t ticklish. Or maybe they are and just can’t laugh. That must be horrible. (from @crossmark) #
  • I got a thorough workout today shoveling the snow. Even my stomach muscles are reminding me of my hard work. 🙂 #

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