Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

The Mom Song

A friend shared a song with me on Sunday that was very good, but I will probably never be able to sing it. Yet I seem to sing it daily…at least parts of it. I will sing other parts of it when my children are a bit older. 🙂

I discovered that The Mom Song was actually written by Anita Renfroe, whom I will be posting more about later. For now, let’s watch it sung by someone else. I am posting this particular version because it has the words to help you attempt to keep up with the speed of the song. 🙂

The Mom Song from Northland Video on Vimeo.

Tabetha’s Tweets 2008-12-08

  • You know that person that really gets under your skin? Ever wonder if they are that way because they don’t like themselves? #
  • @patsyclairmont I am glad she is dancing on the streets of gold, but I know you will miss her. May God be with her family and you. 🙂 in reply to patsyclairmont #
  • My 5YO just peeled a clementine for my 2YO and is feeding it to her slice by slice. #
  • Anyone else ever go out in the snow while wearing high heels?? #
  • @simpsonsparadox I haven’t literally done it but once or twice before I learned my lesson, but figuratively speaking, I have done it ple … in reply to simpsonsparadox #
  • @simpsonsparadox That’s interesting. My hubby things my legs look better in heels. But maybe my legs need a little help in the 1st place! 🙂 in reply to simpsonsparadox #
  • My 2YO just informed me that she is “NOT a kid.” Isn’t she a bit young for that? 🙂 #
  • Anyone ever benefit from the generosity of others? Tell us about it. #
  • @MaxLucado Oops! But we’ve all done things like that, and I am sure you are fogiven. 🙂 in reply to MaxLucado #
  • My 6YO said to my 8YO, “Mom just cleaned that potty! Why did you have to sit on it & get it all dirty?!” #
  • @stretchmarkmama sounds cozy……almost. in reply to stretchmarkmama #
  • @jbhoward It looked good to me. 🙂 in reply to jbhoward #
  • Just did too good a job convincing my 2YO that I ate paper. Now she is trying to eat it….. #
  • My 2YO just looked at my brownie batter and said, “Mom, can we eat mud?” #
  • I think I am a nosey cook! Just realized the brownies were done by my nose instead of the time. They were 5 min. early! #
  • Does a gas oven run hotter than an electric one? Gas is new for me (no pun intended) 🙂 #
  • @Kellyschaos You’re tellin me! When my 2YO refuses to go potty, I can just say, “I’m going to go 1st,” & she practically runs to the potty! in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • Listening to a children’s praise CD. #
  • @Kellyschaos Wow! We were replying to each other at the exact same minute! Weird! in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • @Kellyschaos I would send you a brownie, but it probably wouldn’t taste as good in digital form. 🙂 in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • I wish everything had a ringer, so you could call anything you have misplaced. #
  • For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. Gal 1:10 #
  • My 8YO has been eating with chopsticks so long that she is having trouble eating with a fork!! #
  • @darkmater It does seem to get messier before it gets cleaner when you are working from the inside out, but that is about the only way t … in reply to darkmater #
  • The first snow!!!! #
  • @lgedeon You beat me to it!! in reply to lgedeon #
  • You can @ yourself?! #
  • It is snowing, and I could not see it without my glasses! Amazing! #
  • If you are a mom, watch this. It is absolutely hilarious! #
  • @Kellyschaos I do, but I may have to get my kids to sing it and post it and send you the link. in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • adorable video about a 3YOs perspective on Star Wars #
  • @Kellyschaos Sorry….a song to learn the books of the Bible. in reply to Kellyschaos #

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Group Writing Project: Homemade Gifts

I posted previously about saving money this season to put toward a worthy project. Hand made gifts are a great idea, and I think more of us would make gifts if we had a bit of inspiration. Soooooo, that’s where I need your help.

There are several options with this group writing project.

  1. Share a time in your past when you made gifts.
  2. Share an idea that you think would be a great one for a home made gift.
  3. Tell of a time when you received a home made gift.

I know this is a busy time of year, but take a moment to share a few ideas with those who are interested in saving money to give for a wonderful cause! Tell us about your fond memories or wonderful dreams for a handmade gift idea!

Pleas submit your entry by December 17 and link to this post. If you do not have a blog, just put your suggestions in the comment section below this post. I’ll be looking forward to your entries!

Egg Free Chocolate Chip cookies

Of all the allergies in our family, egg is the hardest to find a substitute for. It is usually easy to substitute for milk because water almost always works. It doesn’t work so well in chocolate milk, but soy milk works for that. I usually use water in recipes and find that the recipe tastes pretty much the same.

With egg, it is a whole different story. They are in everything, and even egg substitutes sometimes have egg in them. I have learned that banana (1 small per egg) works in sweet recipes (if you like a banana flavor).  It is absolutely delicious when substituted in pancakes – better than regular pancakes in my opinion! A mix of vinegar, oil, and water also works in some cases, and so does applesauce. There are actually several substitutes available.

I baked cookies tonight for an upcoming event and wanted to make sure there was something available for Phillip to eat. I have made oatmeal chocolate chip before, but tonight I decided to experiment with chocolate chip. I used this recipe and the texture and flavor was good. They almost had a shortbread flavor to them, but they were very soft. When I compared it to the Toll House recipe, I discovered that the egg free recipe was very similar but had less sugar. If I ever make them again,  I will add about 1/4 cup more of both brown and granulated sugar.

All in all, I call the experiment a success! I am sure Phillip will love them!

Premature Family Night

We are having family night a day early this week because Luke was sick and thought a movie sounded good. Since we had already gotten library movies for Family Night, we decided it was a go. 🙂

We started out with a Christmas chain to help the kids know how many days until Christmas without asking Mom or Dad. They can just pick up the chain and count the days.

This is the first year Bethany got to help with the chain. She actually colored little designs instead of scribbling all over the links like I expected. I was quite impressed with the personality and artistic ability that each child’s work showed!

Now that I have taken this break to get my daily blog post taken care of, we are off to put the two little ones to bed and watch Eragon and eat rice krispy balls with the older three!

Pass the Generosity, Please

I have been the recipient of the generosity of others on many occasions. Today while riding the bus was one example. Because a stroller is so bulky, it is necessary and required to fold it up and carry both the stroller and the infant onto the bus. This takes a bit of maneuvering!

Today three different people noticed my bulky situation and lent a hand in carrying my stroller onto the bus for me! Three people! That means I only had to carry it onto the bus myself one time!

That may sound like a small act of generosity, but for me it was HUGE! First, they actually noticed that I could benefit from a bit of help. I have noticed that someone needed help before but noticed too late to actually be helpful instead of more of a burden. Also, I have noticed someone needed help and was too chicken to step up and say, “here let me help” (I know that is awful, but I’m being honest here). Generosity takes more than just noticing someone needs help!

Secondly, not only did they notice I could use a little help, but they were bold enough and kind enough to add one of their hands to my two, leaving only one for themselves. The fact that three people noticed I needed help and then acted was an amazing blessing!

I found myself wanting to do something in return to those people who generously helped make life easier for me, but honestly what can you do for a total stranger that you will only see for a few minutes on the bus? Say thanks. That’s about all you can do for that person, but it isn’t all you can do for others.

Chances are that the person who is generous has been on the receiving end of it at some point. The best thing you can do for a stranger who shows kindness to you is to keep the generosity going. When you see someone who could use a helping hand, offer yours.

This is my entry for this month’s “What I learned From” group writing project at Middle Zone Musings.

White Sauce Recipe

I made green bean casserole over Thanksgiving and several people asked for the recipe for the white sauce I used instead of cream of mushroom soup. I decided to put it on my blog for anyone else who is interested and so I don’t have to hunt for it next time I need it. It will be right here on my trusty blog waiting for me to seek it out! 🙂

This white sauce can be used for several different things besides green bean casserole. I have used it to make turkey pot pie, tuna casserole, and potatoe soup (usually make it thinner for this one).  To give credit where it is due for this yummy sauce, I will tell you that the recipe is not mine. I learned to make it from my sister-in-law, who, of course, learned it from my mother-in-law.

1/2 cup butter/margarine
3/4 cup flour
4 bouillon cubes (or substitute salt)
4 c milk/water

  1. Dissolve bouillon cubes in 1 cup of hot water.
  2. Melt margarine in a saucepan on medium high heat.
  3. Add flour and mix with whisk (quickly before it starts browning)
  4. Add the bouillon and water mix and whisk.
  5. Add remaining 3 cups of water and whisk again.
  6. Heat until thickened stirring occasionally.

Tabetha’s Tweets 2008-12-01

  • I am SO glad that God provides for our needs and does it at the exact right moment!!! #
  • @Kellyschaos Ouch!! I just read this one. I hope they call you back quickly. As a matter of fact, I’ll say a prayer for you right now. in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • @Kellyschaos Cool! I had just lifted my head from praying for you!!! in reply to Kellyschaos #
  • My 2YO has learned to open doors. Knew it was coming soon. Now I just need to teach her not to go in her room when my 10 mo old is napping. #
  • My computer is being taken hostage by my 8YO who needs it for school. #
  • 2YO wants me to take her potty but will only let me stand and watch. She redoes everything I do to help. 😐 #
  • My 8YO is saying, “Duh!” to my 10 month old to hear her say it back. She almost has the tone down! 🙂 #
  • Playing a quick game of tic-tac-toe with my 6YO. #
  • @Cullens_Girl I knew it!! 🙂 But I really don’t know a thing. 😉 in reply to Cullens_Girl #
  • My 6YO & 5YO have a friend over for the night. Working on getting 3 boys in bed…. #
  • Trying to convince myself that dishes are what I want to be doing right now instead of sleep….it isn’t working. But I’ll do them anyway. #
  • After eating green bean casserole, my 5YO said, “What?! I ate onions?! Well, I guess I like onions!” #
  • About to watch a movie while eating fresh veggies (healthy), dip (not healthy), and popcorn (kind of in between)! #
  • My 5yo just said to me, “you gave me 96 cheerios. You really gave me 97, but 1 fell out me my cup!”how many have you had 2day? #
  • Somehow my 8YO daughter always knows when to leave an “I love you” note at just the right time. 🙂 #

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