Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Randomly Generated Blogging

Looking for a quick and easy blog post? Karen Swim introduced me to something called  Lazy Bloggers Post Generator. Here is what I came up with using this blogging method.

Peter Pan! I just had a cup of tea and realized I have not updated this since you last visited… You would not believe how good I look after all the plastic surgery. I hope they bring chocolate!.

I am totally exhausted with discovering time doesn’t stand still, homeschooling five children, just generally being a companion to my husband, my day is fun and exciting from 8am to 11pm at which point I fall asleep on the couch. I am totally loving it, dudes. life happens.

I probably I will make more of an effort to blog more often until the nice men in the white coats come back. Truly! Don’t hold your breath though, you’re likely to turn blue.”

I think it would be so much fun to just sit around thinking up posts like this. Wouldn’t that be cool and imaginative? Mad Lib Blogging!

Go ahead. You know you are curious! Try it! Who knows what you’ll come up with!

Return of the Bug

Well, the yucky stomach virus is visiting yet again. I keep trying to explain to him that he is not welcome here, but I am not sure he speaks English. Even if he did, I am not sure he could make sense out of the words coming out of my mouh. I am falling asleep while typing. Good night!

Dinner With The President

Luke and I had a very exciting evening tonight. I didn’t know when we went to the China Care Brown benefit dinner that we would get to sit next to the president. She seemed really nice, and someone there said that she was the most popular president in America, but I think he might have been a bit biased. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am talking about the president of Brown University, Ruth Simmons.

It was a really nice dinner, and you’ll never guess what we had! Chinese food! Surprised? 🙂

The benefit dinner was to raise funds to help build orphanages and pay for surgeries for the orphans. Many of the children have cleft lip/palate, or other “difficulties” that keep anyone from wanting to adopt them. A relatively inexpensive surgery will change these kids lives for the better.

You can find out more about China Care Brown at

Early Bird Blues

All of my children have been early birds at an early age, but most of them started sleeping in as they got older. Peter has always been an early bird and probably always will be.

Family night is a time when it is unfortunate to be an early bird. Peter is always the first one to wear out, but he tries so hard to stay awake so as not to miss anything. This particular family night he did not quite make it.



Group Writing Project: Goodbye Winter

Well, Spring is right around the corner. Anybody have Spring fever? Me too!

I think it would be a good idea to let Winter go out with style instead of with a “good riddance” attitude. So,  here’s the question. What part of Winter are you going to miss?

Wondering why that is important? If you recognize your favorite parts of Winter soon enough, you will have more opportunity to enjoy Winter as you are focusing on getting in those last minute “missable” moments.

So, go ahead! Give Winter a party and let it end with style! Spring might just slap you in the face before you know it!

Here’s the plan. Write a blog post about your favorite part(s) of Winter and link to this post. For those of you who don’t have a blog, let me know in the comments section below. On March 21 I will post and link to all the entries.

Note: I realize some of you are located further south than me. If it is no longer cold where you live, let us know what you enjoyed about this past Winter or what you enjoy about Winter in general.

Tea Party Revisited

Today I learned about a tea party inspired by the Boston tea party. It is called the New American Tea party. Basically the idea is to send a tea bag to several different representatives on April 1. This will ensure that the tea bag is received by April 15, the day of the tea party.

Wondering why anyone would send a tea bag to their representatives? The idea is to let the government “hear” from those who are against the stimulus package and too much government intervention.

Are you willing to send a tea bag to your representatives for this cause? Why or why not? I am genuinely curious.

Please send this to your local representatives and also to:

Nancy Pelosi
Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington DC 20515

Senator Harry Reid
Washington DC 20510

Barack Hussein Obama
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-03-08

  • Went to bed in the not so wee hours of the morning the last 2 nights! I am so ready to call it a day…after my tea! #
  • Up with a 6YO with croup. First experience for me. #
  • @crossmark LOL!! #
  • RT: I wonder why cats and dogs aren’t ticklish. Or maybe they are and just can’t laugh. That must be horrible. (from @crossmark) #
  • I got a thorough workout today shoveling the snow. Even my stomach muscles are reminding me of my hard work. 🙂 #

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