Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Snow Shovel, Anyone?

A few days ago we got 6-7 inches of snow. We usually borrow our neighbors’ snow shovel. Because he wasn’t around to ask when I went out to shovel, I decided to use a regular shovel.

It did not take me long to discover that a regular shovel was not intended for snow. Most of the snow stuck to he metal shovel, and what didn’t stick to the shovel didn’t want to land where I wanted it to land.

After working for about 20 minutes, I looked around and realized that it would take me hours to finish at the rate I was going. I decided to go in to warm up. When I walked back out the door, my neighbor asked, “Are you shoveling snow?” Then came the words my cold fingers were glad to hear! He said, “here, use this” and handed me his snow shovel.

Never in my life have I appreciated a snow shovel so much! I went to pick up my first scoop of snow, and the shovel felt like it was gliding! My muscles gave a sigh of relief! And now that Spring is so close, I have about convinced myself to go buy a snow shovel! Hey! Maybe I can get one on clearance in a few weeks!!! πŸ™‚

Hats On To My Girls

Someone gave us a few summer hats, and the girls in the family enjoyed a photo shoot with them. Can you tell we had fun?

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-03-01

  • I am now the official parent of a 9YO for the 1st time! #
  • (Check library before buying) RT: Do your kids like science? Popular Mechanics has a great DVD series: #
  • My 13MO is expanding her interestes beyond the potty and the stairs. She is finding new things to get into now. πŸ™‚ #
  • OH my 3YO: These are girl pajamas, and I’m a girl right now. Be a girl, too.” #
  • There is nothing quite like the smell of white laundry straight out of the dryer. #
  • @roberthruzek My kids said a prayer for you yesterday, & I just said another. Plan to say more throughout the day. #
  • @roberthruzek BTW, part of that prayer is that you can relax knowing that the same God who got you the job is still in control. #
  • My 3YO was struggling pulling her undies down. When I went to help her, I saw why. She had on SIX pair!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ #
  • @stretchmarkmama My hubby & I had the same discussion. He calls them “cray’uns” (almost 1 syllable) & I call them “cray-ons” (2 syllables). #
  • I met Big Foot today. She is 13 months old and was wearing a man’s size 9 shoe! #
  • It is so cool to know that I only have 1 load of dirty laundry in my whole house! I love being caught up! πŸ™‚ #
  • @roberthruzek Did you read it? Guess someone back-dated a post that was written today? :- #
  • Just ate garlic bread….and it was white bread! And it was so soft and delicious!! πŸ™‚ #
  • OH: “I am not awake enough to go to sleep.” Now that is tired!! πŸ™‚ #
  • I’m impressed! #
  • @Cullens_Girl I bet it won’t be long. Candice did that too! #
  • My 9YO just read a 188 page book in 1 day! And the title is…”Snowbound With Betsy” by Carolyn Haywood #
  • @stretchmarkmama You know, the social worker comes so often, they might as well move in! Adopting is really a long process, huh? #

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Scaling Back Mt. Laundry

The two things our house seems to be overrun with are paper and clothing. We have tons of clothing. Luke suggested once that we cut back clothing to 4-6 outfits per person. I never took him seriously because to cut back on laundry means that I will always be washing clothes. And who wants to wash clothes all day every day?

Months later I discovered that not only was my husband’s suggestion a good one, but he wasn’t kidding when he suggested it! First off, it is easier to do laundry daily. I tend to let it pile up until someone comes to me saying, “I have no clean pants in my drawer.” Then I have to put everything on hold and wash clothes.When I do it daily, there is no hurry, and I can schedule it into each day. No surprises.

Now you are wondering how so few outfits could possibly be enough. My main concern was for those who still have occasional accidents. They can sometimes go through 3 outfits in one day! That is half their outfits!!

Well, if you are doing laundry daily, there will be laundry in the drawer by the next day. Even if you don’t get to it that day, there will stillΒ  be 3 outfits left in their drawer for the next day!

Now you ask, won’t they wear the clothes out faster? Well, there is that, but what is the difference between having more clothes all at once and replacing a few outfits when they wear out? You may use as many clothes in the long run, but there is a chance that you won’t, and if you do, you still have less to deal with at one time.

If you normally pass your older child’s clothes down to your kids, having fewer will mean that you can actually let your 2nd child help pick out their clothes and not feel guilty about it because you really wouldn’t be spending any more money than you would have if you bought a lot for your older child.

Proven Right

While playing online math tic tac toe, Phillip was showing me that if he clicked on the answer box, it would pull down a list of numbers to choose from. I immediately saw that it was only a list of numbers that had been typed before, and the number he was looking for (5) was not there.

I typed in “5” for him and left it for him to click enter. He said, “Mom, I could have picked from the box.” I said, “It wasn’t there.” Wanting to see for himself, he deleted the answer I had typed and pulled up the box to choose from. Sure enough there was the number 5 right at the bottom. He clicked it and said, “See?” πŸ˜€