100 Things About Me – #44

Carcassonne - US Edition

Image via Wikipedia

I absolutely love board and card games! I could stay up and play games all night long, and then if someone asked me to play again the next day after being up all night, I would probably accept! 🙂

To me a game is better than a movie because there is more interaction and getting to know people. Of course, there is definitely a time for watching a movie, too. (I must admit, I’m kind of in a movie mood now). 🙂

When I was young, my favorite games were Clue, Monopoly, and Uno. Since then, I have been introduced to a few other games.

Now, I think my favorites have changed to Scattergories, Scrabble, Phase 10, and Hand and Foot (scroll down in link). Okay, maybe I am having trouble choosing favorites. I also enjoy Carcassonne, Murder, Skip-Bo, and Sequence! Did I mention that I really like games?

Do you like games? Which one(s) so you like?

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2 thoughts on “100 Things About Me – #44

  1. Kara

    We have game night at our house and always have great fun. Currently, because of the ages of my children, we play a lot of Disney Monopoly and Operation:)


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