Even though winter is technically over, it still feels like winter here in New England. Now is my last opportunity to think of those things I want to make the best of before winter’s long nap. Here is my list. I am sure there are more things, but I can always add those later, right? What would you add to the list?
- the refreshing warmth of hot drinks
- snow
- pumpkin pie
- the serene silence of the outdoors
- the ability to keep cold food on the porch
- the lack of aroma when passing the trash bin outside
- Christmas
- the blazing sunset behind bare trees
- indoor family time (like boardgames)
- my winter wardrobe
- the smell of wood smoke
That is a really “cool” list. Coming to the end winter. I could not think of that many things to appreciate. Fewer allergies has been nice.
Thanks for pointing out the bright-side of winter.