This poem came to me today and is still a bit rusty, but I decided to post it anyway. If you have corrections or suggestions, feel free to comment. 🙂
I am the potter
You are the clay;
However I shape you
So you must stay.
You are the potter.
I am the clay;
I’ll stay how you shape me
Just do it my way!
I am the potter
You are the clay;
You’re pliable, moldable
Just bend where I say.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
I can resist you
Your mold will not stay.
I am the potter
You are the clay;
Please don’t resist me
For your heart, it will sway.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
My shell is hardening
But do I like it this way?
I am the potter
You are the clay;
Please heed my voice
Just trust and obey.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
I’ve lost control now
Help me, I pray!
I am the potter
You are the clay;
The only way to help
Will be painful, I say.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
Help me, Help me
No matter which way!
I am the potter
You are the clay;
I break you completely
And hold you, my clay.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
The pain is unbearable
Take it away!
I am the potter
You are the clay;
Now I can fix you
Renew you this day.
You are the potter
I am the clay;
You’re awesome, magnificent
I’ll serve You Your way!
Hi! I was searching the web for poems about potter and clay. I’m part of a fellowship called Dayton (OH) Koinonia and we are having a retreat weekend at the end of October. Our theme is Isaiah 64:8. I would love to share your poems with my friends. May I copy it and put it on a bookmark for them to keep? Thank you!