This is the time of year when it is common to have so many greeting cards, you don’t know what to do with them all. Kara has some awesome ideas for what to do with them during the Christmas season. But what do you do with them all after Christmas?
A few weeks ago, a friend at church reminded me of a craft that I had totally forgotten existed. If you have use for small boxes, you can make boxes out of Christmas cards.
Wouldn’t it be cool next year to give each person (who sent you a card) a gift wrapped in the card they gave you this year? It would be the perfect size box for giving gift cards, too!
If you don’t want writing on the inside of your box (where the giver signed it), here’s a tip from a commenter on Use card stock or something similar to make the bottoms plain white.
If a Christmas card box is too small for your gift, you can make a gift bag using gift wrap. This site shows you how to make a fancy bag, but you could easily simplify it. And if you are determined to wrap a gift the old fashioned way, you could at least modernize it a tiny bit just for the coolness of it!
Happy Gift-wrapping!!