Pretty in Pink – Part 3

You have seen Candice and Bethany separately in the pictures I took at church. Here they are together.

Tabetha’s Tweets – 07-05-2009

Since my twitter tools still seems to be broken, I decided to manually share my tweets with you from the last few weeks. I know you are dying to know them all, so enjoy! 🙂

Pretty in Pink – Part 2

Yesterday you saw Candice pretty in pink. Today it is Bethany’s turn!

Pretty in Pink – Part 1

A few weeks ago, I got camera happy with Bethany and Candice while keeping them in the nursery at church. They are both pretty in pink. Today we will look at my favorites of Candice.

Tabetha’s Favorite Tweets – 2009/06/29

And now it’s time for more of Tabetha’s Favorite Tweets!!!! Are you excited? Good! 🙂

  1. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabCan you tell I changed my wording in my last tweet? Was supposed to be “my” son, not “your son,” although if yours is singing, I”ll let him.9:40 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  2. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabHow can I tell your son to be quiet in bed when he is singing scripture? Maybe I’ll just let him sing himself to sleep. 🙂9:35 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  3. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMaybe it has something to do with missing out on a bath for 3 weeks b/c of a fractured leg.9:07 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  4. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabWow! I think my 10 mo old is going to keep me way busier than the others! She was all over the place while I was trying to bathe her!9:07 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  5. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabPutting my kids to work cleaning in the kitchen while I bake banana bread. Gotta do something with those over ripe bananas, right? 🙂2:21 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  6. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabBut that ain’t all. You’d be doing yourself a favor if you read it. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.12:48 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  7. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytab2 Corinthians 3:17 is especially relevant to the US. “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”12:47 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  8. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabGreat Read: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. You might have to read it a few times to really understand it.12:43 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  9. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabAnybody ever heard of 2-knuckle scrolling? That’s what I was doing while eating a juicy orange. 🙂12:32 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  10. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabSo much for being such a great homemaker today. After soaking the beans, I didn’t get them on in time to actually eat them before church!3:46 PM Nov 12th, 2008 from TwitKit

  11. Kelly's Chaos

    KellyschaosMy daughter is sitting on the toilet with her gameboy playing zelda…..*sigh*3:11 PM Nov 12th, 2008 from TweetDeck

  12. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMaking brown rice for lunch & soaking beans for supper. I’ve got this homemaking down today! Now to get the kids down from the ceiling! 🙂12:34 PM Nov 12th, 2008 from TwitKit

  13. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabHow is it that my 10 month old can push one key on my laptop and throw the very message I am reading in the trash?3:09 PM Nov 11th, 2008 from TwitKit

  14. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabSomehow mopping the floor led to rearranging the furniture. I know what you men are thinking, “Women!” But I just can’t help it! 🙂3:04 PM Nov 11th, 2008 from TwitKit

  15. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabFor those of you who didn’t know, 2-finger scroll is way cool!11:45 AM Nov 11th, 2008 from TwitKit

  16. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabTrying to figure out how to shrink a link. 🙂11:24 AM Nov 11th, 2008 from TwitKit

  17. Shannon

    rocksinmydryerYou need to be following @maxlucado. Beautiful, lovely tweets!12:03 AM Nov 8th, 2008 from web

  18. Max Lucado

    MaxLucadoOut on a dinner date with my wife. Wow, she is gorgeous!7:53 PM Nov 6th, 2008 from Twitterrific

  19. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzek“To be ignorant of one’s ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.” – Amos Alcott11:15 AM Nov 6th, 2008 from twhirl

  20. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzek“We have to believe in free will. We’ve got no choice.” – Isaac Bashevis Singer9:31 AM Nov 6th, 2008 from twhirl

  21. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaIf the vacuum cleaner is at least sitting out when the speech therapist comes, does that count?12:25 PM Nov 5th, 2008 from web

  22. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzek“A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.” – Theodore Roosevelt9:34 AM Nov 4th, 2008 from twhirl

  23. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaWas it necessary for Target to put those Halloween-wrapped Ghiradelli squares on clearance? WAS IT?!?!?3:55 PM Nov 3rd, 2008 from web

  24. Shannon

    rocksinmydryerFlew Central Time to Pacific Time on Thurs, then back to Central Time on Sat, then Daylight Savings on Sun. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS.12:10 AM Nov 3rd, 2008 from web

  25. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabJust said a thought was “slipping my hind.” Just one wrong consonant, right?9:52 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from TwitKit

  26. patsyclairmont

    patsyclairmontI’m home and I’m especially grateful for my husbands welcome embrace. Love is enhanced by effort and deepened by commitment.9:43 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from web

  27. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabSince the old tea bag is so hot and hard to get out, why don’t I turn the kettle upside down and pour the last bit on my hand. Real bright!7:55 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from TwitKit

  28. Shannon

    rocksinmydryerThe Twix(es) for dinner were a bad idea.7:47 PM Nov 2nd, 2008 from web

  29. patsyclairmont

    patsyclairmontBrilliant how the sun colors the horizon in hope. I should rise up so wise.8:03 AM Oct 31st, 2008 from Twitterrific

  30. Carly Matthews

    HelloKityou know winter has arrived when soda in the car is colder than that in the fridge…1:14 PM Oct 30th, 2008 from TwitterFox

  31. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzekTo young wippersnappers: “Old age is ready to undertake tasks that youth shirked because they would take too long.” – W. Somerset Maugham9:53 AM Oct 30th, 2008 from twhirl

  32. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaMy friend just had her baby. Less than 2 hours of labor. One push. TELL ME HOW THAT’S FAIR.12:18 AM Oct 29th, 2008 from web

  33. Max Lucado

    MaxLucadoWe’re asking our congregation to dedicate the hour they gain due to next Sunday’s time change to prayer for the country.8:58 PM Oct 28th, 2008 from Twitterrific

  34. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaDecided the kids needed to learn about REM sleep today. So I taught them by example.6:31 PM Oct 27th, 2008 from web

  35. Natalie Grant

    NatalieGrantMax Lucado just rapped on our shuttle bus. True story.7:52 PM Oct 25th, 2008 from txt

  36. SheilaWalsh

    SheilaWalshI have been staring at at the TV screen for 2 minuters before I realized that it’s a Spanish channel and there’s nothing wrong with me6:56 AM Oct 25th, 2008 from txt

  37. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaBest part? Two days ago I realized one thing was missing, and I said to hubs… “STUPID checkout MAN”8:03 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web

  38. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaJust realized I left a bag of groceries in the van. Refrigerated stuff. THREE DAYS.8:03 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web

  39. Greg Wind

    gregwindI’m getting a sense, that I am tired of something, but I don’t know what. #haiku7:43 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from TweetDeck

  40. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzekWhat does it mean when I push my “Easy” button – and it starts to laugh hysterically? That can’t be good…4:09 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from twhirl

  41. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaRT @toddrhoades I ALMOST MISSED IT… TODAY IS NATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY. WHO KNEW? {I say, ANY day is a good day to SCREAM.}11:39 PM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web

  42. Luke Gedeon

    lgedeonI have been out-geeked again by my wife @giddytab this time on twitter.10:25 PM Oct 22nd, 2008 from TwitKit

  43. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaJust realized that one of the blogs I follow is by a mom I know IN REAL LIFE. (SHE’S anonymous.) Does she follow me? F-R-E-A-K-Y.2:10 AM Oct 22nd, 2008 from web

Tabetha’s Favorite Tweets – 2009/06/28

I have been marking favorite tweets on twitter for months and have not shared them with you. Since my twitter tools broke on me today, I decided to take this opportunity to share. Since I have been saving for so long, I will spread them between 2 days. Stay tuned next Sunday for a double blessing – two weeks worth of my tweets! 😉

giddytab’s Favorites

  1. Sandra Hersey

    sandraherseySometimes God allows you to go into the fiery furnace, but He ALWAYS shows up and protects you so you will not even smell of smoke!10:01 AM Jun 27th from web

  2. Natalie Grant

    NatalieGrantUm….sorry 4 the last one. Gracie just sent her 1st Twitter…..7:32 PM Jun 20th from Tweetie

  3. Natalie Grant

    NatalieGrantScfxsz z;;,/27:31 PM Jun 20th from Tweetie

  4. Scott Kuhn

    scottersDog, under desk…accidentally turned off surge protector. He’s apparently helping test Windows 7.1:06 PM May 31st from web

  5. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaI now have kids who are 3, 5, and 7. Don’t even attempt to take away the mathematical joy that I get from that.11:07 PM May 30th from web

  6. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmama7YO: “Mom? Are you gonna jump on the inflatables? . . . Nooo, you’d probably pop ’em.”10:28 PM May 30th from web

  7. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaI can never figure out why my spam is chock-full of ads about stretch marks. And then? (*slapping hand against forehead*)2:12 AM May 18th from web

  8. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmama@giddytab ★ ♫ ♥ ☆ I just saved an old message (from someone else) as a favorite–and I just copy-paste those cute little symbols. 🙂11:27 PM May 8th from web in reply to giddytab

  9. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaJust opened 529 savings accounts for the kids. So…if I put in $100 today, what’s that gonna be worth in ten years? FIVE DOLLARS?11:04 PM May 8th from web

  10. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzekI tell ya; people sure have short attention spans around here! Why can’t folks focus on the task at han- ooh! Cupcakes!9:06 AM May 8th from twhirl

  11. Danielle Bean

    DanielleBeanHey all you “music-plays-when-I-open-your-blog” people: Cut it out!10:56 AM May 7th from TweetDeck

  12. Greg Wind

    gregwindHave decided my tea/asprin/lozenge strategy for fighting this flu is like throwing ice cubes out the window because it’s hot out.7:19 AM May 6th from TweetDeck

  13. Scott Kuhn

    scottersSorry, but I’ve fulfilled my daily quota for putting out fires. Please schedule yours accordingly. K? Thx.3:09 PM May 4th from twidroid

  14. Robert Hruzek

    RobertHruzek“May the Fourth be with you.” – I just got it! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! (OK, I’m a bit slow.)10:48 AM May 4th from twhirl

  15. Scott Kuhn

    scottersRT @larrymwalkerjr: – Gross: Is this the cure or cause of the swine flu? Watch your kids. #followfriday #swineflu9:10 PM May 1st from TweetDeck

  16. Sprittibee

    sprittibeeMy daughter just asked me “What if Burger King and Dairy Queen got married?” I said, “Man those would be some greasy babies.”5:09 PM May 1st from TweetDeck

  17. Nathan Smith

    crossmarkWife: “Think I can lose 10 lbs in the next two weeks?” Me: “Maybe if you cut off your head.” Wife: Not amused.11:44 PM Jan 12th from TweetDeck

  18. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmama7YO, after asking me how I learned to type: “Mom? Did the typewriters SEND stuff? Like e-mail? WAS THERE EVEN PAPER BACK THEN?”6:59 PM Jan 12th from web

  19. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaYou know, back when I had a “boring” life, I had ALL KINDS of time to write. And nothing to write about.5:58 PM Jan 12th from web

  20. Stretch Mark Mama

    stretchmarkmamaChristmas shopping. Online. 7YO hollers to sibs: “Don’t go near mom! She’s buying our presents!” HELLO, PEOPLE. I WILL SHOP FOREVER.1:38 PM Dec 11th, 2008 from web

  21. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 8YO is saying, “Duh!” to my 10 month old to hear her say it back. She almost has the tone down! 🙂7:07 PM Nov 25th, 2008 from TwitKit

  22. patsyclairmont

    patsyclairmontWe were admiring the snow out the windows when Les said, “Look.” Among the scampering snowflakes there fluttered a butterfly. Huh?3:36 PM Nov 25th, 2008 from web

  23. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy computer is being taken hostage by my 8YO who needs it for school.12:22 PM Nov 25th, 2008 from TwitKit

  24. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 2YO has learned to open doors. Knew it was coming soon. Now I just need to teach her not to go in her room when my 10 mo old is napping.11:48 AM Nov 25th, 2008 from TwitKit

  25. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabI am SO glad that God provides for our needs and does it at the exact right moment!!!4:30 PM Nov 24th, 2008 from web

  26. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabDo people still wear watches? I used to but don’t seem to need it anymore since I have a clock on my phone.9:17 PM Nov 22nd, 2008 from TwitKit

  27. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabCandice just took three steps!!8:55 PM Nov 21st, 2008 from TwitKit

  28. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 2 YO just asked to watch Spy Kids? Heh?4:01 PM Nov 20th, 2008 from TwitKit

  29. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 10 mo old just took a single step before falling!!1:57 PM Nov 20th, 2008 from TwitKit

  30. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabA yell in the house is more difficult to hear than a whisper.12:17 PM Nov 20th, 2008 from TwitKit

  31. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabWhy is it that my 2YO wants to ride my 10 mo old like a horse? 😐7:49 PM Nov 18th, 2008 from TwitKit

  32. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 10 mo old is on a roll today. She has learned to raise the toilet lid. Fortunately I rescued her before she took a potty bath. 🙂6:00 PM Nov 18th, 2008 from TwitKit

  33. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabCrushed Ice, I love you!!!!!9:55 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit

  34. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabgrumpiest teething 10 month old I’ve ever met…..EVER!!9:35 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit

  35. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy 10 month old has learned how to flush the toilet!! She’s done it twice tonight. Yes, the toilet lid was down! 🙂9:04 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit

  36. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabFunny. My 8YO always asks if a small meal portion is “too much,” while my 6yo always asks if a humongous one is “enough.”6:57 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit

  37. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMy (almost) 3YO has learned to say “NO WAY!” Only problem is, she has no idea what it means or when to say it! 🙂4:30 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit

  38. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytab@simpsonsparadox I know! We only eat them once a month or so.3:19 PM Nov 17th, 2008 from TwitKit in reply to simpsonsparadox

  39. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabHad on time 2 rewet & style hair this am. Fortunately it is raining! The rain is my friend!11:39 AM Nov 15th, 2008 from txt

  40. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabStraightening up the house for company this evening. Kids are helping and excited to do it! 🙂1:51 PM Nov 14th, 2008 from TwitKit

  41. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabMaking hot tea, baking pies, and cooking beans (yes, the same ones I soaked on Wednesday…just a bit behind on that one). 😀10:51 AM Nov 14th, 2008 from TwitKit

  42. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabdrinking hot tea while blogging (still).11:30 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

  43. Tabetha Gedeon

    giddytabReading the Bible with my hubby.11:02 PM Nov 13th, 2008 from TwitKit

Group Writing Project: Favorite Flower Revealed

My husband is the winner of my group writing project. Wanna know why? Because he was the only one who participated! Wanna know what his prize was? A great big kiss. Oh, don’t worry, if you had entered and won, it would have been a different prize. I like to custom make my prizes for each winner! 😀

By the way, if you are wondering what my favorite flower is, it is pictured in my original group write announcement. For those of you who are impatient, here is another picture. But now aren’t you curious what the first one looked like? Guess you’ll just have to check it out!