100 Things About Me – #28

I put babies to sleep. I am not quite sure what it is about me that puts babies to sleep, but it almost never fails. If I pick up a baby, sleep is bound to happen while the baby is in my arms!

I find myself wondering if I’m so boring that I even put little babies to sleep. I’d rather think, though, that I have such a peaceful and calm nature about me that makes others relax and fall asleep! πŸ˜‰

100 Things About Me – #27

When I was in the 5th grade, my grandpa gave me a very difficult decision to make. He offered to pay for either piano lessons or for me to play the flute in the band. After much thinking, I chose the flute (although I would still love to be able to play piano)!

The very first time I tried to play the flute, I could get no sound out! For some reason I chose it without ever getting a sound out. Of course, I did eventually get the flute to play and now, 23 years later, I am still playing.

I no longer play regularly – usually only for offertories at church along with whatever practice makes that possible! But regardless of how often I play my flute, I think I will always enjoy it!

100 Things About Me – #26

This is one of my more personal “about me” posts, and it is a bit hard to explain, but I will try. πŸ™‚ I am recovering from tone deafness.

It all began, when I noticed once that my dad talked to me in a tone that sounded like he was upset when I had done nothing that I knew of to cause him to be upset. I was completely boggled and slightly hurt.

Then a good bit later, my husband asked meΒ  (very nicely) why I was upset with him. I was shocked!Β  I wasn’t a bit upset! Then realization struck. This was the moment when everything began to make sense!

Daddy was not upset with me that day! He didn’t even realize he had talked to me like that! I have the same tone issue. It is a learned tone that to me just sounds matter of fact, but to most other people, sounds like I am upset.

Since I am aware of it, I work hard to control that tone, but it is very difficult to stop doing something that I never knew I did. Not only that, but I can’t trust my own judgment of tone. It is like my ear for tone is warped due to my own use of it.

Because of my “tone deafness”, it is very easy for my kids to use the tone that they have so often heard by their mom without my noticing it. Then when I do notice it, I have to control my own tone when I try to help them control theirs. It is very difficult! Fortunately, I have God to help me do what seems impossible!

I would like to point out that since that day when my dad seemed upset with me, he too, has become aware of his tone (without my help). He is also working on it. Pretty cool, huh?

I believe I have come a long way in allowing God to work on getting rid of my tone deafness, but I still have a long way to go. I will continue to work on it because no matter how hard it is to master, it is worth it to control the hurt I could cause to my children and the generations to follow!

100 Things About Me – #25

The Golden Gate Bridge refracted in rain drops...

Image via Wikipedia

I love the smell of rain! Today I had to run out and close the windows in the van because it was starting to rain. Because it wasn’t raining hard, I was able to take in that wonderful scent of rain! There’s just nothing quite like it!

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100 Things About Me – #24


Image via Wikipedia

I was never a girly girl. I wasn’t the type who dressed up in dresses or painted my nails all the time. I did dress up for church, and I did occasionally paint my nails but not enough to speak of.

However, I was not necessarily a tom boy either. I did do my fair share of climbing trees and such, but again, not enough to speak of.

Maybe I’m just a nice balance of the two? Me? Balanced in any way whatsoever? Naw! It couldn’t be!! πŸ˜€

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100 Things About Me – #23

I love cats but will probably not ever have one of my own! During my childhood years, we always had at least one cat. On a nice day, I would sometimes go out and sit on the hood of the car with a cat in my lap. I LOVE cats!

But from from now own, I will probably not own a cat. Wanna know why? No? Okay….good night!

Just kidding!

Phillip has an allergy to cats, and I am suspicious that I am slightly allergic, too. Because of this, cats will not be a part of our household. But that’s okay! I know of five little people who would gladly sit on my lap on the hood of a car or anywhere else! God had truly blessed me!

100 Things About Me – #22

I always wanted four kids. I have five, and I wouldn’t put a single one of them back!

Seriously, though, I enjoy my children and was not disappointed to discover that I was pregnant for the 5th time! As a matter of fact, I might even go for a 6th, 7th, 8th and ……… Well, you get the idea! πŸ™‚

*For those of you who may be wondering, NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!! Feel better now? πŸ˜‰

100 Things About Me – #21

I like to play with words. Whether it be spoonerisms, alliteration, homonyms, or rhymes, I love word play!

As a matter of fact, I play with words so often that I sometimes do it on accident. Actually, let’s be honest hear, I frequently do it on accident, especially woonerizing spords! πŸ™‚

So, if ever I say something somewhat silly and senseless, just assume I am having one of my accidental (or intentional) word play moments! Either weigh, it’s lots of fun!

100 Things About Me – #20

This is one of those rare occasions when my husband made it to bed quite early (before the kids, even!). Because of this, I have been up alone doing my evening routine. As much as I love time spent with my husband, tonight has reminded me of #20 on my list of things about me.

I like time to myself. This is a hard one even for me to believe! I usually thrive on being around other people, but every once in a while I am forced to spend some time alone. It is during these times that I discover how much I truly needed it!

100 Things About Me – #19

Artwork on this ball is a common abstract repr...
Image via Wikipedia

My lips don’t turn up when I smile. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon for them to actually turn down when I smile. But even when I am not smiling my “lips turned down” smile, my lips are just straight. Do you think that is odd?

I would love feedback on these things about me. As a matter of fact, some nights I sit here racking my brain for ideas on what to share with you about me. Does anybody have a suggestion or specific question about me you want to ask? This may beΒ  your only chance. Feel free to comment here to ask.

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