Category Archives: About Me

100 Things About Me – #2

I love to bake…not baked chicken and all that healthy stuff (although that is convenient). I like to bake cookies, cakes, breads, and sweet rolls. You know, that unhealthy stuff!

Because we have gone on a permanent health food kick, I can only bake to give to other people. This works well for me because I get to know my neighbors (or at least get on good footing with them) by giving them the food that I had a hankering to bake (of course, we still eat just a tiny bit!). 😉

100 Things About Me – #1

Wow! My first reaction when looking at my title was that #1 should be something very special and important, but then I decided to just put the first thing that came to mind, so here goes.

I have developed a love for photography. I have always been interested in it, but I had never really tried it until I began taking pictures of my own children. Then I assumed I liked photography because I was making memories of my children. Recently, when I realized I even enjoyed taking pictures of other people’s children, I knew I had a genuine interest in photography itself, not just taking cute pictures of my children!

100 Things About Me – Introduction

Several months ago (a year?), I was introduced to the “100 Things About Me” idea by Stretch Mark Mama. I thought it was a cool idea then, and guess what? I still do!

I have chosen the month of July to begin this series because it is my birth month and because it happens to be a very convenient time for me. 🙂

Stay tuned tomorrow to learn a few things about me (besides my birth month)!