Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

It’s Been a While

While reading history with AM, I learned that the Liberty Bell is 25 years older than the United States. I asked Luke if he knew that already, and he said, “no.” Then I came back with this bright statement, “Well, it’s been a while since this book was written. It has been longer than 25 years by now.”

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Late for Church!!!

Last Wednesday night we were struggling hard to get to church on time. After getting the boys dressed, I mentioned that they weren’t wearing their belts. Luke said, “We don’t have time to put their belts on them.” I said, “It doesn’t take that long. Maybe a minute.” So he agreed (probaby figuring it would be faster to put the belts on them than to stand around talking about it :)). As we were driving away in the van, Luke mentioned that we were going to be late and jokingly said that it was the belts that made us late. So I joked back and said, “If we’re only a minute late for church, we’ll know it was the belts.” When we got to church someone casually asked what time it was. Bro. Bill said, “Oh, about a minute after.”

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Two Things at Once?!

Today AM said, “Mom, I wish I had learned to read when I was 3.” When I asked “why” she said, “Because if I had, I would be a good enough reader by now to read while sitting on the potty!” Hmmmmm. Wonder where she got that idea from? Maybe it has something to do with the books in the bathroom? I was hoping nobody would catch on to that….

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Forget Perfection – Give Me Speed!!

While sitting in on Peter’s and Phillip’s sunday school class yesterday, I observed them coloring. Peter was working very slowly, being so precise, and coloring each tiny piece of the picture a different color. Phillip, on the other hand, was just scribbling all over the page. His page filled up pretty fast, and still he scribbled and scribbled until Ms. Christy said, “Phillip, your page is full. You may choose a stamp to decorate your page.” Peter’s head came up quickly. He looked at his page, leaned way over around another little girl to see Phillip’s page, looked at his crayon, and went to town scribbling all over his page!! It was hilarious!! He was rewarded by being allowed to choose a stamp to decorate his page! Meanwhile Ms. Christy and I had to hide our laughter behind our hands.

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Winter is Finally Here!!!

Well, it finally feels like winter here in Rhode Island. The ground is frozen and probably will stay that way until Spring. It even snowed a little today!! I am learning why scarves were invented. The kids wear one everytime we go out. It’s funny to see them with a hat to their eyebrows and a scarf up to the top of their noses, allowing only their eyes to peep through!!  Unfortunately, I keep forgetting my scarf, so I get to walk around with a frozen nose!! I plan to get a winter hat, too!! It’s cold outside!!

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Library Unveiled

As usual when we check out movies at the library, the librarian took our colorful movie cases into a back room and exchanged them for cases that actually held the DVD. These cases had a run-off copy of the picture included in the cover, leaving the color ones to display empty on the shelves. After she took our color cases and exchanged them for black and white ones, Anna Marie said, “All she did was turn the picture to black and white!” We then heard a little chuckle from the “magic” librarian.

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Almost Beheaded

While driving home from Nashville last week, we noticed a beautiful sunset that just had to be photographed. I mean, it just had to be done. The sunset was kind of behind us a a weird angle, so I took my seatbelt off, turned around backwards, and hung my head out the window to get the shot. I thought I had done a great job until I came back in and hit my chin on the closing window. I had been leaning on the “window up” button and was about to shut my own head in the window!

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Peter’s Ponderings II

Peter walked into the room carrying a ruler and said incredulously, “Mom, did this break off a measuring tape?!”

This morning I had the hiccups and walked over to stand beside Peter. He said, “Mom, will you not stand next to me? You have the hiccups, and I don’t want the hiccups.”

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