Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Breastfeeding a Newborn

Okay, I know many of my readers aren’t interested in learning about how to be successful at breastfeeding a newborn. I am always forgetting what I did in the early days, and what I did this time (under the advice of nurses and lactation consultants) was very successful. The best way I know to keep track of it is to put it here in my blog for reference. So bear with me as I use my blog as my memory!

The first day or two in the hospital I nursed on demand. She did do a lot of cluster feeding, probably because she had to nurse often to get enough colostrum to satisfy her. After the first 2 days, I fed her every three hours night and day, even if I had to wake her up.

It is also probably useful to mention that you cannot use wet and dirty diapers to determine whether the baby is getting enough to eat during the first few days. They are only expected to have 1 wet diaper for each day in age for the first 3 days.

Once she reached her birth weight, I was able to feed her on demand as long as she wasn’t going more than 4 hours in the day or 6 hours at night without eating. She reached her birth weight very quickly using these guidelines! And she is now a little over the 50th percentile for weight, length and head measurement!

A Great Mommy Resource

Candice has been having occasional wake-up spells in the evening. During these spells, she nurses about every hour and is awake and fussing in between. This tends to last for 4 hours or so. I think it might have to do with growth spurts, but I’ve never experienced this with my other little ones. I found a great online article that addresses this evening fussy time. is a great resource for parents regardless of how many kids they have! It gives more details than you could imagine and is very well put together. Check it out!


While cleaning our old apartment in our recent move, I discovered a cleaning product that I will never forget! We had many black marks on our walls, and our apartment manager had told us that they planned to paint the walls. Any dark marks would show through the paint, so we were asked to remove them. They suggested using Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I figured it was worth a try and got one from the store.

I was absolutely amazed at how well the Magic Eraser worked! I wet the sponge, rubbed gently on the wall, and black crayon marks erased easily from the wall! It also worked on marker and furniture marks! I was quite impressed! I plan to keep one around the house from now on!

5 Munchkins at the Mart

A few days ago I made my first adventurous trip to Wal-Mart with 5 children. It has been quite a while since I made that venture with just 4 kids, so I was expecting something near chaos! I am quite pleased to say that things went quite well! Praise the Lord for those carts that have seats for toddlers on the front! I felt like Super Mom!

Which is Right?

While playing Twister tonight, Luke was explaining to Peter how to tell his left foot from his right foot. Luke said, “Peter, which hand do you write with?” After Peter figured this out, I told him to put the foot he doesn’t write with on the blue dot. Somehow this advice still left him confused! 🙂

A Face with a Name

Yesterday I went to the eye doctor to have Peter’s glasses repaired (Bethany had bent them up pretty bad). I have only been to this office 2 times and was pregnant with Candice both times. As soon as I walked in, the receptionist said, “Oh, you had your baby!” Then, even though I only had Bethany and Candice with me, she started talking about my other three children and made it obvious that she remembered in detail what each child was like.

I was absolutely amazed!! Sure, it kind of stands out when someone has 5 children, but she remembered all of my children individually and stood there talking to me like I was her best friend come to visit!

It was nice to walk into an office and not be treated as just another nameless face!

A Bad Example

This is an from an email I sent Luke in November of 2005. Anna was five years old and going through a bullying stage.

I just caught AM shaking her fist in front of P’s face. I told her not to ever do it again and that shaking her fist in someone’s face is part of being a bully. Then I asked her if anybody had ever done that to her, wondering where she had learned it. She said “no,” so I asked her where she had seen it. She said she had seen it on a movie and that it was a bad guy doing it. I said, “You saw a bad guy do it, right?” She nodded. I asked her if she wanted to be like a bad guy, and she said “no.” I told her that if she doesn’t want to be like a bad guy, she doesn’t need to do things she sees bad guys do. I think that impacted her more than anything else I could have done.

Waste Not

I guess Bethany took us seriously when we said not to waste food! 🙂 Actually, we had been eating chocolate, and there were still little bits on the plate. I guess we’ve all been guilty of licking the last flavorful bits from a plate…but I bet we weren’t this cute doing it.

Three Men in a Tub

Luke is teaching the boys to take showers instead of baths. They are both excited about taking showers like Mom, Dad, and big sister! And the best part is, I now only have to bathe Bethany and Candice!! Of course, I’m sure they will still take their share of bubble baths!! But in the meantime, bath time is suddenly half the job it used to be!!