Author Archives: Tabetha Gedeon

About Tabetha Gedeon

Co-founder of Kdari Virtual Partners and The Kdari Network

Candice’s 1st Ponytail

We celebrated Candice’s first birthday yesterday. Unfortunately I am not ready to post pictures of the actual celebration because I want to do a little video editing (hopefully with my hubby’s help).

Instead I will post pictures of Candice wearing her first ponytail and also ones of her wearing a barrette. I personally think the barrette looks better than the ponytail. Which do you like better?

Let’s Get Rid of Them!

Today Anna, Peter, and I had dentist appointments. This meant that Phillip, who loves games, was going to be left at home with no one old enough to play games with. Luke was trying to make him feel better, and this is the conversation that occurred between my two jokesters.

Luke: We’re gonna get rid of them. Doesn’t that sound fun?

Phillip: No, that doesn’t sound fun……..because they will come back.

Ten Inches Shorter

Anna has alway liked her long hair. As a matter of fact, when I have trimmed it in the past, she has begged me not to cut too much off. A little over a year ago, we learned about Locks of Love when two of her friends decided to donate their hair.

Ever since, Anna has been taking special care of her hair in order to donate to a little girl who needs it. Evidently helping another little girl was enough to convince my sweet 8 year old to cut her hair and actually be excited about it! We have no idea which little girl will get it, and have no way of finding out, but we know that some little girl somewhere will be wearing Anna’s beautiful blonde hair eventually.

If you are interested in donating to Locks of Love, read the guidelines or watch a video. If you would like to help but do not have 10 inches of hair to donate, there is also an option to give a monetary donation or sponsor an event.

Here are some pictures of Anna before and after the cut:

Winter Wonderland

Over Christmas I saw a foot of snow for the first time in my life. I know, I know. You are thinking, “Only a foot?!” Well, now it becomes quite obvious that I am a southern girl living in a northern state.

Anyway, because I had never seen that much snow at once, I took plenty of pictures. Humor me here, and try not to laugh too hard at my awe over a foot of snow. Just enjoy the pictures, okay? 🙂

The Empty Pot – A Book Review

In our effort to become more familiar with China and its culture, we have begun to check out children’s books about it at the library.  Some of my favorites have been by an author who signs her name on her books simply as Demi. To give you a preview, I will tell you about one of her books called The Empty Pot.

A little boy named Ping has a green thumb and is able to make anything grow. The emperor has no heir, and because he also loves flowers, he uses them to choose the future emperor. Every child who is interested is given a seed and is told to go home, plant it, and come back in one year to show their plant to the emporer.

Although Ping is a wonderful gardner, he is not able to make the seed grow. When the time comes to take his plant to the emperor, he is stopped by several young friends who want to show off their beautiful flowers. Ping sadly takes his empty pot to show to the emperor.

As it turns out the emperor had cooked the seeds to keep them from growing. Ping’s honesty made him stand out and be chosen as next emperor!

What an awesome  story about the rewards of honesty!

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-01-04

  • 2YO is in bed now (just 2 hours later…not bad), and hubby and I are about to follow…. #
  • G’nite….zzzzzzzzzzzzz #
  • My 2YO has learned the sing song “ha ha ha ha ha!” #
  • Doing the after-holiday clean up…. #
  • My 5YO & 6YO boys have agreed to help me with dishes, so they can go outside on this 50 degree day! #
  • Oh wow. It is supposed to be -7 degrees tomorrow evening! Brrrrrrr!!!!! #
  • I think I’m iron on the outside and glass on the inside…. #

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Xmas = Christmas

When I was growing up, I heard many people saying that shortening “Christmas” to “Xmas” was wrong because it took the Christ out of Christmas. Of course, I never ever referred to it as “Xmas” after that.

Now that I am older and and have taken Koine Greek for two years, I am able to say with satisfaction that Xmas does not take the Christ out of Christmas

In Greek the symbal for the “ch”  sound is “chi,” which happens to look like an “x.” The Greek word for Christ is “Xristos,” which sounds like “Christos.” So technically the shortened “Xmas” does not take the Christ out of Christmas.

Snowed Out

Well, we are getting a bit of snow, and it is supposed to get down to -7 tonight. Since we had extra kids here sleeping over, we have to take them home. Then we are going to share New Year’s Eve with friends, so we could possibly get snowed out instead of snowed in. But, hey, at least we will be having fun with friends, right?

Hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you are, “weather” it be hot or cold. 😀