Several years ago, in a desperate mission to comfort the burn of my infant’s bottom, I did an internet search and found the best solution for diaper rash that I have found yet. First let me clarify that the type of rash she had was a yeast rash from teething. The doctor usually prescribes Nystatin for it, but it doesn’t seem to work for my little ones.
Candice is now cutting molars and seems to be miserable at both ends. Because my children have fair and sensitive skin, it doesn’t take much to cause a rash. I put this mix on her red and raw bottom last night, and the redness was improved by at least 50% this morning!
Here are the instructions for the (not so) “secret” formula:
- Clean the diaper area, preferably with a warm wash cloth (wipes can burn).
- Place a diaper under the child.
- Spread Desitin on the rash until you have a medium thick layer.
- Sprinkle baby powder on top of the Desitin and mix it with the Desitin with your finger
- Spread a thin layer of Vaseline on top of the powder and mix it in.
- Wipe the remaining goop off your finger onto the clean diaper.
- Close the diaper and dress as usual.
Now, after you get this on your child, you will think your child should be walking funny with all that goop on his bottom, but believe me, he’ll be much more comfortable by morning. You can use this mix any time of the day, but I see the best results over night.
I would show pictures to prove my point, but I don’t guess that would be appropriate, huh? Not to mention the fact that I didn’t take any!
Oh well, you’ll just have to take my word for it, or better yet, try it yourself…I mean on your child….that is, if you happen to have a child in the diaper age range.