A Major Change

I have finally come to that point in my life when disorganization is actually a problem. I have been disorganized all my life. I should not have been disorganized then, but now it has the potential to ruin my life. Or at least it did.

As a stay-at-home mother of five home schooled children, who also has responsibilities at church, along with being a secretary to my work-at-home husband, I need to be able to find things.

When I was single, and even married with a few kids, I was able to maintain the disorganization. I could find anything because I remembered where I had put it. As the kids added up, things did not stay where I put them. Someone would come along and “put it away” for me. Then I was in a mess.

I discovered a few months ago that I was not satisfied with the amount of time that I was spending with my children. I tried to start spending more time with them, but because of my lack of organization, I was not able to keep up with all my responsibilities. So the time I was able to give to my children was not undivided because I had all the other “to-dos” on my mind.

This lack of quality time spent with my children was the final straw in convincing me to do something about my lack of organization. I decided to send the kids off for a visit with friends while I took care of the root of the problem.

I know that sounds backwards, but think about it like this. I could go months or even years giving them my distracted attention, or I could let them have fun at a trusted friends house while I get rid of the distraction.

While we’ve been elbow deep in organization, our kids have enjoyed a large yard to play in, rides on a four wheeler (with an adult), a birthday party complete with pizza, and a hike in the woods. (Wait a minute…I think I might be jealous!) 😀

So, which is worse? A week without any time with mom and dad, or months (or years) with only second rate attention? Which would you have preferred as a child?

I am missing my children desperately, but beginning tomorrow, I get to start spending guilt free quality time with them on a daily basis! And that makes all the missing worth it!

Stay tuned for more information on the actual nitty gritty work that we did while the children were having a blast with our trusted friends!

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