Monthly Archives: April 2009

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-04-19

  • I have an idea! Why don’t I step on a stool to reach a can of juice, drop the juice, and try to catch it with my shin! πŸ™‚ #
  • Taxes, taxes……. #
  • Anyone else having trouble with twitkit? #
  • 3YO with pants around ankles, “Mama will you wipe me for my birthday?” Can you tell someone had a birthday recently? #
  • It’s suddenly Spring! #
  • It seems so awesome to have a net underneath us as we walk on the tightrope of life, but unfortunately the net eventually has to be taken away. #

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A Major Change

I have finally come to that point in my life when disorganization is actually a problem. I have been disorganized all my life. I should not have been disorganized then, but now it has the potential to ruin my life. Or at least it did.

As a stay-at-home mother of five home schooled children, who also has responsibilities at church, along with being a secretary to my work-at-home husband, I need to be able to find things.

When I was single, and even married with a few kids, I was able to maintain the disorganization. I could find anything because I remembered where I had put it. As the kids added up, things did not stay where I put them. Someone would come along and “put it away” for me. Then I was in a mess.

I discovered a few months ago that I was not satisfied with the amount of time that I was spending with my children. I tried to start spending more time with them, but because of my lack of organization, I was not able to keep up with all my responsibilities. So the time I was able to give to my children was not undivided because I had all the other “to-dos” on my mind.

This lack of quality time spent with my children was the final straw in convincing me to do something about my lack of organization. I decided to send the kids off for a visit with friends while I took care of the root of the problem.

I know that sounds backwards, but think about it like this. I could go months or even years giving them my distracted attention, or I could let them have fun at a trusted friends house while I get rid of the distraction.

While we’ve been elbow deep in organization, our kids have enjoyed a large yard to play in, rides on a four wheeler (with an adult), a birthday party complete with pizza, and a hike in the woods. (Wait a minute…I think I might be jealous!) πŸ˜€

So, which is worse? A week without any time with mom and dad, or months (or years) with only second rate attention? Which would you have preferred as a child?

I am missing my children desperately, but beginning tomorrow, I get to start spending guilt free quality time with them on a daily basis! And that makes all the missing worth it!

Stay tuned for more information on the actual nitty gritty work that we did while the children were having a blast with our trusted friends!

Organization Tip: Start

I have been trying to organize my house for what seems like years! The first bit of organization that I found that seemed to work well and made me seek other bits of organization was finding a place for shoes.

An amazing thing happened when there was actually a place to put shoes. Everyone now knew where to find their shoes! No more lateness to church on Sunday morning because of a missing shoe! Okay…..a lot fewer instances anyway!

The funny thing about giving everything a place is that I cannot stand to see something laying on the floor if I know where it goes! I have to put it away. And that is how my husband convinced me that every teeny weeny item in our house needs a place to belong.

Now that I am convinced, Luke is excitedly teaching me his method of organization. It sounds a bit overwhelming at first, which is why it took a while to convince me that I really wanted to do it. But once I got started, I discovered that it really isn’t that hard to do the steps he suggests.

So, do yourself a favor. Get started assigning places for all your things, and maybe even getting rid of a few. Don’t sit around dreading organizing your house. I bet you’ll have a hard time stopping once you get started! After all, getting started is half the battle!!

Tom’s Mom

Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Tom. Tom’s mom loved him and doted on him constantly. When Tom got a bad grade at school, his mom was there to “explain away” the problem. When he got into trouble, his mom was there to take the blame. When Tom wasted away his money, his mom was there to give him more.

Doesn’t this sound like an awesome relationship? What boy wouldn’t want someone always there sweeping his messes under the rug? Unfortunately, as awesome as it sounds to live in this scenario, it has some major issues.

Even though Tom and his mom loved each other, Tom had a big problem. He wasn’t learning how to be responsible. When he gets out in the real world without his mom there to defendΒ  him, he won’t know how to fend for himself. He is learning that no matter how much trouble he gets into, him Mom is right there to dust him off and cover for him. His mom has literally been running herself ragged trying to keep up with the growing mischiefs of her son.

This scenario has many things in common with the government and the American people. Tom represents the American people, and his mom represents the government.

It seems so awesome to have a net underneath us as we walk on the tightrope of life, but unfortunately the net eventually has to be taken away. It is safer to walk knowing there is no net than to walk with the expectation of a net that is not strong enough to hold. The idea of the government being able to pick us up and dust us off after every mistake we make sounds so alluring.

But it can’t go on forever, and the government does not love us like a mother. It is very possible that about the time we Americans grow accustomed to being cleaned up after, the government will change its ways and use our dependence to take away our freedom.

Yesterday the New American Tea Party took place at different locations across the nation. The purpose of this was to let the government know that we do not approve of all the bail outs and unnecessary spending. If America keeps up at the pace it is going right now, we will all drown in debt.

Have you let the government cover for you like Tom? It isn’t too late to change your ways and let our leaders know how you feel about the crazy spending habits of our government. Send a letter or call your representatives to let them know what you think.

There were at least a thousand present at the Rhode Island tea part at one time. Since people were constantly coming and going, there were probably even more than that!

Below are some pictures of the Providence, Rhode island tea party contributed by David Rinebolt. Thanks David!

Click on each image to see a bigger picture.

Time for a Spot of Tea

For those of you who didn’t know, there is a tea party brewing tomorrow. The point is to show our disapproval of the government’s spending habits. Do you think the government is taking advantage of their position and going a bit overboard with its spending? Please go to the nearest tea party to you. If there is not one close enough for you to go to or you can’t make it for some reason, please pray for this movement. If you are able to go, please do.

Here is a video from Maryland that discusses the Tea Party:

Tabetha’s Tweets 2009-04-12

  • @MelaineDanyell Howdy! Welcome to twitter! in reply to MelaineDanyell #
  • My 9 YO daughter just put on my shoes, and they fit her perfectly!!!! HUH?! #
  • Happy Easter Everyone!!!!! #
  • Just returned from a fun time of (almost) rock climbing at the beach. We had a 3YO and an infant with us, so it had to stay easy. πŸ™‚ #
  • Any suggestions on how to plan a benefit dinner? How ’bout a clothing swap? Suggestions are more than welcome!! #
  • My 3YO has blossomed into a little girl! And my 15 mo old isn’t a baby anymore! #
  • We totally rearranged our house with the help & suggestions of a friend, & I am loving it! Of course, women tend to like that sort of thing! #
  • Anyone else drink vanilla hazelnut hot tea? #
  • I love @lgedeon! πŸ™‚ #

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Sing it Right

Bethany (singing): Bring back, bring back. Oh bring back my body to me, to me. Bring back, bring back. Oh bring back my body to me.

Phillip: Why do you say “body” instead of “bunny”?